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Specialization in Cadastral Engineering

It seems that this year we will have better options by the institutions that support cadastral issues with the constant need for specialists in this area for the Municipal management. The decade of the seventies and eighties was characterized by many results of analysis and systematization in these fields, and there is a risk of losing much of this content due to the accelerated and sometimes uncontrolled trend of the exterminationist approach towards technology, simplification and little work of systematization.
The alternative that these subjects are institutionalized in university careers is a very wise choice to give longevity to the systematization efforts achieved previously and at the same time update within the framework of computer trends and multidisciplinary integration. This I present is one of the best alternatives for specialization in the field of cadastre:
El Specialization course in Cadastral Engineering which is proposed at the postgraduate level will be provided by the Autonomous University of Querétaro, Mexico starting the 3 of March of 2008 and ending the 27 of February of 2009.
It is interesting that it can also be taken remotely through the virtual platform.
The objective of this Specialty in Cadastral Engineering is to train professionals with the ability to carry out critical analyzes on the structure of the cadastre in force in their jurisdiction, the methods that are being applied to determine the tax value of properties, and the tax policy that defines the property tax. Based on this reflection and the discussions, it is expected that the Specialists are prepared to take on the eventual challenges that require paradigm shifts for better financing and urban development. Likewise, it seeks to train human resources specialized in the design, management, preparation and administration of information for the formation, use and exploitation of multi-purpose territorial and cadastral information systems, with a strategic vision of the organization of the territorial Cadastre.
The academic program is extremely interesting:
- The multipurpose cadastre and urban development
- Cadastral Cartography
- Territorial Information Systems
- Property Valuation
- Property Valuation for tax purposes
Land Policy
- Urban Financing: The property tax
- Cadastral Engineering
- Real estate legislation
- Urban Planning
- Practical cases of integration
For those who are interested, they can fill out the form enforcementWe will have to hurry because the deadline expires on February 15, 2008. Apparently there are some funding funds in the form of scholarships.
You can also view the information Assessment of the course on the page of the University of Quétaro.
Author:Golgi Alvarez
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In 2010 will be taught in virtual classroom
I request cadastral course information thanks
carlos de valle 8441730358
Hi Edardo, the requirements to take this specialty are:
1. Fill out the application form at this link
2. In this link are other requirements, and the link to the form to fill for the purpose of applying for a scholarship, which is according to the country of origin and the socio-economic study they do based on your request
I would like to know which are the requirements to participate in this specialty and can access the scholarship funds