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How to do in Manifold what I do in ArcGIS
- October, 2007
- Posted by: Golgi Alvarez
- Category: ArcGIS-ESRI Geospatial - GIS Manifold GIS

ArcGIS of ESRI is the most popular Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tool, after its primitive versions ArcView 3x were widely used in the nineties. Manifold, as we called it before “A $ 245 GIS Tool” is a relatively new platform, under a quite different construction model, however for the user it is an instrument with similar scopes.
In 1988 the USGS created a document called “Process for selecting a Geographic Information System“, which covered the topic related to the selection of systems, beyond computer tools, in a checklist of what a GIS should include ... warning, in 1988 we still used 386 machines with 3.0 windows and many still preferred 286.
The categories were separated into:
The document became a must-read for those involved in the geospatial world, this list was used for the selection of computer instruments and contracting of developments ... what times were those. Although the document is almost 20 years old, many of the functions listed are current and represent the basic characteristics of today's systems, with some names that have only become more common in our jargon. geeks.
Based on this paper, Arthur J. Lembo, Jr developed an experiment with course students Spatial Modeling and Analyisis At Cornell University. The result was a document called:
How do I do in Manifold what I do in ArcGIS
With 130 pages, the content of step-by-step procedures to do most jobs on both platforms, without the use of extra applications, is enriching, that is “Out of the box“. Although the comparison is from versions 8.3 of ArcGIS and 6.0 of Manifold, the logic is valid. The translation of the theme is not what my post suggests, in fact it is an unbiased document aimed at instructing users of both platforms, how to do the same thing with both systems.
A good reference for both users and designers and developers in this crazy and smoky world.
You can read the abstract of the document this article, And download it in pdf this article And in gratitude to gossip, you tell me there.
Author:Golgi Alvarez
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I use Mapinfo, ArcMap and now Manifold; And I am amazed at what can be done with such new and economical software as the Manifold, this manual undoubtedly opens a world of new possibilities; I send you a greeting from Peru.
Important document, of the best !!!