Geofumed – GIS – CAD – BIM resources

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2014 - Brief predictions of the Geo context

The time has come to close this page, and as is the custom of those of us who close annual cycles, its...

GIS Manifold, something more with layouts

A while ago I talked in an article about how to create presentations for printing using Manifold GIS. At that time I was working on a new project, but I...

Geographic Information System using Manifold GIS

This is one of those products that is a pleasure to have promoted, and in the spirit for which it was built, it is now...

Google Earth; Visual support for cartographers

Google Earth, beyond being an entertainment tool for the general public, has also become a support...

Deciding by MapServer

Taking advantage of a recent conversation with a Cadastre institution that was looking for a way to publish its maps, here we...

Profiles from my ArcGIS course

I was telling you before that I was going to develop a training course on the use of ArcGIS 9.3, with a rather huge modality...

Where are the users of Manifold GIS?

A while ago, a Dutch technology guru told me this: “Honestly, I am amazed at what people say...

CAD / GIS boot comparison

This is an exercise in equal conditions, to measure the time it takes to start a program from clicking on ...

CAD, GIS, or both?

...selling the capabilities of what free software does is harder than convincing an official to commit...

Geophysics: 2010 Predictions: GIS Software

A couple of days ago, over a cup of coffee made by my mother-in-law, we were having some hallucinations about the trends...

Associate a map with an Excel table

I want to associate an Excel table with a map in shp format. The table will be modified, so I don't know what to do...

Level contours with Manifold GIS

Testing what Manifold GIS does with digital models, I find that the toy does more than I had previously imagined.

Comparison of GIS software for surveying

Who wouldn't want to have a table that compares different types of GIS software with topography functionalities?

How much software is worth in this blog?

I've been writing about crazy technology topics for over two years, usually software and its applications. Today I'm writing about ...

Topological cleaning

This is the name given to the action of GIS tools to eliminate vector inconsistencies with the standards...

Basic solutions, good business

There is always something that the tools of large companies do not do very well, and this is what small companies take advantage of to d...

Who moved my cheese?

  I really like Geoinformatics, apart from being a magazine with great taste in diagramming, the contents are very...

Connect Manifold with Open Street Map

A while ago I told you that Manifold can connect to Google, Yahoo and Virtual Earth. Now the...
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