Geofumed – GIS – CAD – BIM resources

Blog mode


The future is today! Many of us have understood that by going through various types of circumstances as a result of this...

… And geobloggers gathered here…

Someone had to materialize this idea of ​​sitting in the same space, a group of people totally different in terms of...

What happened to the Top40 Geospatial on Twitter

Six months ago we reviewed almost forty Twitter accounts, included in a list that we call...

BlogPad - WordPress Editor for iPad

I have finally found an editor that I am happy with from the iPad. Despite WordPress being the most popular platform for blogging, I have found it to be a good choice for me.

Woopra is here for iPad

Woopra is one of the best apps for monitoring live traffic of sites. A while back I did a review of it...

If Geofumadas had 100 readers

This article reflects statistics taken from January to October 2011 from Google Analytics, and simply...

5 minutes of trust for Matías Neiff's blog

GIS, scripting and Mac are a natural combination in a blog that I have decided to recommend, because it has given me some ...

Geofumadas | Visitors: | 100 cities in 10 countries

It's been four months since Geofumadas moved to the new domain, finally after experiments with the algorithms...

Blogsy, for Blogs from an IPad

It seems I have finally found a decent iPad app that allows blogging without much pain.

Gajes of the migration to

Finally, the database is almost clean after a migration from WordPress MU in Cartesianos to a hosted domain...

Zagg, the best complement for the Ipad

One of the main problems when adapting to an iPad is the keyboard. There will be some who get used to it, but after...

3.0 Geophysics: SEO Decisions

2011 marks an important step for Geofumadas, after 3 years of working as a subdomain of Cartesianos.&...

Topics in + 3 years of Geofumadas

After a little over three years with the blog, here I summarize some statistics that have helped me plan ...


Read everything... don't believe anything, because in the 60 Zones of the Traverso Universe today is April Fool's Day. It's already early...

Ipad, my 43 favorite applications

  Playing, playing with this tablet has made me decide to stop using the laptop at the beginning of next year. My...

AutoCAD WS, the best of AutoDesk for web

AutoCAD WS is the name with which Project Butterfly landed, after AutoDesk, after many attempts to come up with a solution...

9 Magazines in the geomatic environment

The way things are communicated has changed a lot with the evolution of Knowledge Management Systems. ...

Exploding twitter: Be Inspired

If my cousin had used Twitter, my aunt's vocal cords (QDDG) would have had a better life. Many things have ...