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Woopra, to monitor visitors in real time
- April, 2011
- Posted by: Golgi Alvarez
- Category: innovations Internet and Blogs

Woopra is a web service that allows you to know in real time who is visiting a site, ideal for knowing what is happening on the website from the users' side. There is an online version, with an impeccable development on Javascript and AJAX, with the disadvantage that it does not run on the first generation iPad; There is a desktop version developed on Java and a simplified version for IPhone. Connecting to one disconnects the other, the desktop version is much more functional due to the quick options of the right mouse button, although the design in the web version is cleaner.
To implement it, you just have to register, register the websites we hope to monitor and enter a script in the site template. The service is free up to 30,000 page views, then there are plans of $ 49.50 per year, onwards.
Among the things that can be done with Woopra are:
- Know where visitors are coming from. It is not possible to know the identity but aspects of interest such as the city from where you visit, the type of browser, public IP, how it arrived at the site and operating system.
- Identify specific visitors using a tag, so you know when they return.
- Create alerts so that a sound or a pop-up window is executed, when a specific event occurs, such as: When a visitor arrives, from a Spanish-speaking country, with the keyword “Download AutoCAD 2012”. In case the desktop application is used, it can be a panel at one end of the desktop.
- You can share the statistics with another user or even raise personalized periodic reports. This is great, to be able to share it with the company or professional that brings us SEO services.
- Customize the visitor's label on the map, with specific characteristics such as time spent on the site, if you are a new visitor, etc. They can even be seen in Google Earth.
Besides, it allows activating a tab on the web page, where it shows how many visitors are connected and, best of all, it enables the option to chat with someone in charge of the page that is available. This can be disabled or customized, but is ideal when someone in support, or a visitor needs to interact at a specific time.
So, if you want to talk to the author of Geofumadas, you just have to see that tab appear as available.
Additionally, with the stored data, graphs can be viewed to find out trends, most used keywords, countries and cities where visitors come from. In this part, it does nothing that Google Analytics cannot, including the disadvantage that the data is not stored permanently, the free version saves it for 3 months, the paid version for 6 to 36 months.
But Woopra does some things that we do not do with Analytics, or at least not with the same practicality, as:
- Knowing where people have come from the site, what gives us useful, about which pages we refer to benefit from our links or ads.
- Know what downloads we have caused, either within the site or external links. This could be very practical if we are promoting software and we want an alert to be raised every time it is downloaded.
- Find out what result an article has had in specific, depending on the day and time it was published.
- It is also practical to know why images are arriving visitors, in which I have discovered that Geofumadas has an enviable position with the word "pornography" in Google Images, Oops !. I already missed so many visits in the post Topography, single images.
- At best, it allows you to analyze irregular spikes from spammers, which are often manifested by an exaggerated number of actions. You only have to identify a visitor, and the filter shows us the frequency that has occurred on different days, even though the IP has changed, Woopra associates it as the same visitor; this makes it easy to ban it with Wp-Ban or a similar plugin.
- With the potential of filters, it is possible to do many specific analyzes. For example, which is the page that the users of a specific city have seen the most. Or which pages attracted visitors from Mexico who spent more than half an hour browsing the page. Or see the visit calendar, filtering those visitors who arrived more than three times in the same day; anyway, this becomes very attractive.
But the most addictive is the monitoring of visitors in real time. A lot can be learned from this: visitor habits, browsing behavior, identification of loyal users and times of day with the most frequency of access. Also for SEO applications and monitoring of online advertising campaigns. Google visits are equivalent to "Visitors", that is, unique daily visits; It only differs about 5, which makes sense because Google must pass an update every few seconds, while this is live. The other statistics are called "Visits" which are the sessions, including if a visitor came to the site more than once a day, this is very practical and finally there are the "Page views" which is equivalent to page views.
Ir a Woopra.
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Author:Golgi Alvarez
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