Nothing better than the Zagg keyboard to work on the iPad, which by the way has already shown me serves as a shock absorber for a one-meter fall on concrete. But walking it is not always a grace, so here are some tips to get used to the virtual keyboard.
1. It is not good to take bad habits.
The uncomfortable thing is that you cannot see all the keys with your hands in good shape, nor can you see all the content that is being typed. This makes it a temptation to go back to using two fingers as a hen eating sorghum on the farm of the grandmother of Usulután.
But no, we must not forget that if we want to make the best use of it, we must get used to using all the fingers. Just as a typing course was a good investment, taking the iPad requires investing in some practice, nothing that we should experience in the middle of a work session but it does not hurt to go back to the old lessons of the typewriter.
Oh! I even felt that same feeling of Elementary proficiency Saying the same song ... FFF JJJ FFF JJJ ... while the gorgoreo sounded like an immense farm and the annoying Plin Which announced the need to do enter, But that also taught us to synchronize cut syllables.
I would like to see the same lady, with her invisible smile, now on this tablet to take my revenge. Hehe
You also don't want to get used to automatic spell checking. This is as bad as typing without accents in Word and then right-clicking on red underlined text; that way we will never improve our spelling and sooner or later it can embarrass us.
Although the use of Check spelling yes it is very useful. Although somewhat poor, it has no options to add text to the dictionary.
This adjustment in the Ipad is made in the application of settings, is chosen general and then keyboard.
The same type of keyboard is configured there, which in our environment should be QWERTY.
Practical automatic capitalization after a period or enter. As for the option to activate the point after two spaces, it seems crazy to me that more than being a shortcut, it can lead to a bad habit.
2. You have to adapt to what you can't.
Definitely, the greatest difficulty is that just driving by looking at the screen, as with the classic keyboard, is not possible. I have made the decision to make an adaptation that has worked for me:
- While I am working on the ends I see the screen, total in that part my fingers cover the keys. And when I go downtown I see it again, because the separation allows me to take control that everything is going well.
Accents are a drag, but there is a very practical trick. If the button is held down, the options appear, but if it is done with a slight upward drag it is not necessary, the accent goes by default.
Just like in the typewriter, the letter "a" is difficult and doing that drag with the left pinkie wants some practice.
Also the something annoys the letter u with an accent, as you have to do the drag to the left because to the right appears with umlauts.
But finally it works, it takes adaptation to the numbers where you have to do some practice and also to that button that activates the symbols. Over time it becomes useful, although typing classes are useless for this and you have to use two fingers again, despite the fact that in this web world quotation marks, parentheses, colons and pleca are hardly used frequently.
It is a matter of practice, with use the needs and the mania for learning come out. As for example the use of locked capital letters (CAPS LOCK), this is done by pressing the shift keys at the same time.
3. Unbeatable things
Perhaps the most annoying thing is that Apple designed the iPad with a stupid face curved like a tile. Already in the Ipad2 this has been returned to a plane, but at least with this first version it is uncomfortable that placing the device on a flat surface makes the position of the fingers on the keyboard unmanageable since you have to be playing with the unexpected turn on its loin.
For this there is no way out, just curse Jobs that occasionally causes pleasure.
But in short, it is appropriate to get used to it, as we did with the mobile keyboard, this has no turning back. The more we resist, the more frustrating it will be.
Also using the keyboard of the Ipad with great skill is irresistible to brag.
: )