Geofumed – GIS – CAD – BIM resources

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The Mining Cadastre of Chile – the legal importance of the coordinates

This Monday, May 6, 2024, CCASAT and USACH will hold an important webinar within the framework of the adoption of ...

Commercial UAV News – Announces: Hispanic UAV Connection

  Hispana UAV Connection is a monthly newsletter focused on information and news about commercial drones in Latin America.

Technological news in Geo-engineering - June 2019

  Kadaster and KU Leuven to collaborate on the development of the INDE in Saint Lucia Even after many efforts, the...

Testing the accuracy of Google elevation data - Surprise!

Google Earth provides access to its elevation data with a free Google Elevation API key. Civil Site D...

Contour lines from Google Earth - in 3 steps

This article explains how to generate contour lines from the Google Earth digital model. To do this, use...

Leica Geosystems introduces new entry-level construction layout tool

HEERBRUGG, SWITZERLAND, 10 APRIL 2019 – Leica Geosystems, part of Hexagon, today announced the launch of the new Leica Geosystems...

An integrated environment - The solution that Geo-Engineering requires

We have lived through a glorious moment at a point where different disciplines, processes, actors are converging...

Leica Airborne CityMapper - interesting solution for city mapping

It is very likely that we will never see a true SmartCity, as idealized as its vision is. There are probably needs for it...

TopView - Application for surveying and topographic stakeout

Every day we see that our needs are changing and that for different reasons we are forced to acquire different products.

Draw coordinates in AutoCAD from an Excel CSV file

I have gone to the field, and have surveyed a total of 11 points of a property, as shown in the drawing. 7 of those points...

BIM Advances - Annual Conference Summary

Advances in the standardization of Building Information Modeling (BIM) have been the cross-cutting theme of the Conf...

Accurate purpose-dependent cadastre - trend, synergy, technique, or nonsense?

Back in 2009 I developed the systematization of the evolution of the Cadastre of a municipality, which in its natural logic suggests...

Import points and generate a digital terrain model in a CAD file

  While what interests us at the end of an exercise like this is to generate cross sections along the...

The steps to generate a map using drones

Generating a map using this technique can be a big problem, one of those problems is that it is so critical that the data is generated in a certain way.



Circular 1: Congress TOPCART 2016

  The Illustrious Official College of Geomatic and Topographic Engineering announces the XI International Congress of Geomatics and Topography...

Traditional topography vrs. LiDAR. Accuracy, time and costs.

Could LiDAR work be more accurate than conventional topography? If it reduces time, by what percentage?
Exel a microstation

Draw a polygon in Microstation from Excel

Using this template, you can draw a traverse in Microstation, from a list of bearings and distances...
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