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The Cadastral Model: The Webinar

The joint cadastre model is an exercise in which the municipalities create sustainability in the cadastre projects from the commonwealth.

Last week the webinar was developed showing the model of Multifinal Cadastre in municipalities.

For those who have missed it, here you can see it delayed, and here you can download pdf of the presentation.



About the webinar cadastre

The webinar focuses on the approach methodology designed just for this project taking advantage of an interesting exercise called the municipalities' commune.
municipal cadastreBasically, a mancomunidad is a voluntary association made by municipalities that share similar interests, such as a productive valley, a hydrographic basin, a water-producing reserve, a logistics corridor, etc. This association leads them to acquire economic commitments to create an inter-municipal technical unit with which they hope to manage resources and take advantage of the economy of scale to provide services that individually would be unsustainable.

About the cadastre project

In Honduras, they have existed since the 1,000s, but they gain a lot of strength with the support of cooperators with the new municipalities law and Hurricane Mitch makes them perfect instances to channel resources without getting bogged down with the quaternary sector (the central government). Thus, the municipalities law identifies them as civil instances; with the right to legal status. The municipalities contribute monthly an amount of what the central government transfers to them; varies from one to another, but in general it is above XNUMX dollars a month per municipality, with which at least a coordinator of the technical unit, a civil engineer for the design and supervision of projects and a technician for technical assistance in the administrative / financial area. Depending on the management of projects and the number of municipalities, the amount of services they provide in environmental, social and public service areas is growing.

The commonwealth is not a recognized figure in the political division, however it is recognized in administrative management; to the extent that it can request that the percentage committed by the municipalities be deducted from their transfer and credited to their account. Even the challenge is strong, to standardize their roles and not turn them into a super-municipalities or a Non-Governmental Organization; rather, an instance of strengthening municipalities and providing improved services under economy of scale.

For the case, the association of municipalities of the Higuito River basin, in the west, houses 13 municipalities. It has come to show that for every dollar that municipalities contribute, it returns 8 in service provision and project management.

To date, many cooperation programs agree that the Commonwealth is the guarantee of ideal sustainability for development processes in Honduras.

model of land registryThat was the scenario when our cadastre It began in 2007. So a proposal was built in which the myth that the cadastre can only be carried out with external resources was broken, and that it costs a lot of money to implement it.

Some policies were defined for the development of pilots and construction of the model, including:

  • Sustainability based on the commonwealth. Municipalities were not attended individually, considering that in Honduras more than 94% of the municipalities are united, it was proposed that it be done in this way, so that the community was a guarantor of sustainability, appropriating roles such as awareness, supervision and subsequent continuity. For this, the integration of a joint cadastre technician was defined, coming out of the best that would result after a semester of cadastral survey. Equipment like Postprocessing GPS
    or total station were not given to municipalities, but to the Commonwealth to optimize costs and enhance the provision of services, including the topography within the training area considering that the municipalities spent much money on topographic services that the Commonwealth could execute at much more costs low.
  • Scalability in the multipurpose concept. A list of instruments and processes necessary to demonstrate the application of the cadastre in fiscal, legal, land use and socioeconomic approaches was constructed. So that the survey could serve many purposes but the evidence of application could be adopted in gradual processes, without blunting a municipality with limited resources with unnecessary issues or limiting the municipality that had better technical, economic or conjunctural conditions.
  • The creation of a replacement generation. The technicians who were found with specialization in fiscal cadastre and experience in municipalities, all painted gray hair and in many cases had resistance to the technological issue in digital mapping, GIS and use of new equipment; So it was proposed to create new resources with young people recently graduated from high school in computing and social areas. This new generation would be instructed in municipal issues with the experience of the elderly but would appropriate the technological issue with less resistance to change.
  • And a process of systematization of experiences and processes was developed to assure a management of knowledge that went beyond the project.

I must admit that many things were not as we thought, but now that we show the results to the Latin American context we are pleased to know that we have developed an innovative model that is working, and that could provide beyond the borders where it was designed.

Statistics of the seminar of the joint cadastre model

The webinar was developed through the MundoGEO platform, and in total there were 300 attendees; here is a summary of those who participated:

A majority of the attendees have been South American (82%), Europeans an 7%, as well as North Americans, but in particular of Mexico and an 4% of Central America and the Caribbean.

webinar catastro

If we value the type of professionals, the following graph is representative:

One third of the government sector, one 26% of private companies and one 16% of the municipal sector.

And in terms of training, 93% were from Engineering, 20% from Cartography, 17% from Cadastre and 10% from Topography. There were 22% from other areas, such as the economy, the environment, the forestry sector ... among others.

multi-purpose webinar


Now there are challenges for sharing the model to other donors who do related work, as well as to other countries that may interest them ... and many questions to answer that have come to me after the webinar.

Here you can see some materials product of systematization, and complementary videos for training.

1 comment

  • Carlos Eduardo Arizmendi Aguilar July, 2013 at

    Interesting: Congratulations on the issue. I recommend adding to the page how to collaborate with you

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