This is the theme to be addressed at the 2nd Conference of the Expert Geometer, which will be held 23 October 2015 in Madrid.
Several laws have recently been passed with great impact on real estate. This conference will highlight how the reforms of the Mortgage Law and the Cadastre, Along with the new law of Voluntary Jurisdiction will involve actions of very special consequences for consumers. Private operators and public institutions must ensure that the processes of management and transformation of real estate are carried out under the best quality criteria and produce maximum protection for the consumer and investors.
It is an interesting combination of themes, in which it will be necessary to insist on the desire to make technological evolution coexist with the technical and legal context, which includes the different actors of the Territory Administration chain. The standard LADM Identifies and seeks to standardize these relationships, as they had been previewed from the model Cadastre 2014, where certified professionals act within the framework of their competencies and where the legal gear finds agility limitations between the inevitable urgency of the transactional market that happens in practice and what should be a registry minute of shared responsibilities. That was just one of the struggles to make it compatible with standardization efforts like INSPIRE, EULIS, NILS, LANDxml, and STDM -It would be interesting to understand the idea of FIG with new generations-.
As our friend told us TxusIn countries with institutional complexity, there is a lot of ground to cover. The figure of the Geometer-Expert is presented as a technically viable alternative, but operationally, with a lot to geo-smoke.
- The precise delimitation of real estate in Spain is not guaranteed by any of the existing legal figures on property.
- El cadastre Is merely tax, notaries are public notaries that give validity to real estate transactions, and the Land Registry records the charges and obligations of the properties. However, none of these agents is intended to delimit and define the boundaries of properties unequivocally and permanently.
- In order to cover this need and to complement the legal security of real estate property, the figure of the (GEX) Geómetra-Experto® arises, in consonance with other European countries.
The Geometer-Expert is a Competent Technician, with the following qualities
It has University Degree and technical-legal experience proven and endorsed by the Spanish Association of Geometers-Experts (AEGEX).
You have a Professional Liability Insurance that covers the limits you make.
It is obliged to carry out continuous training in real estate property, proven and managed by AEGEX.
Subject to strict deontological control, especially regarding the IMPARTIALITY and rigor of the work to define limits.
Applies the most current delimitation standards and protocols defined by AEGEX
Records the delimitations in the National Registry of Limits to ensure its necessary permanence and publicity.
In the current legal system in Spain it is not possible to guarantee the limits of the properties if it is not by agreement between the parties or judicial sentence, and not in all cases. However, the reports made by the Geometer-Expert are the best legal and technical basis for demonstrating to third parties the limits of real estate property, thanks to the application of rigorous international standards on the one hand, and impartiality as a fundamental requirement for Precise definition, on the other.
This is the agenda that for now has been communicated for this Second Conference:
9.00-9.30: Reception and delivery of documentation
9.30-10.00: Inauguration
10.00-10.40: "The Deslinde and the claim"
D. Francisco Javier Orduña. Related searches
10.40-11.20: "The file of dominion and the delineations in judicial seat"
D. Rodrigo Lacueva. Judicial secretary. Progressive Union of Judicial Secretaries
11.20-12.00: "The file of dominion and the delindes in notarial / registry headquarters"
D. Francisco Rosales de Salamanca: Notary of Alcalá de Guadaira (Seville)
12.00-12.30: Coffee break
12.30-13.05: "The actual actions via civil with respect to lands included in the maritime-terrestrial public domain"
Mrs. Cristina Mintegui. Urban Planning Lawyer and Professor of the Master of Law at the University of Malaga (Office in Marbella)
13.05-13.40: "Pricing: Professional tool for Geometers"
Dr. D. Manuel Alcázar. Professor at the University of Jaén
13.40-14.30: Roundtable
14.30-16.00: Food
16.00-16.30 "The urban reparcelling"
D. Francisco Merino. Architect and Head of Service MI Marbella Town Hall
16.30-17.00: "The land consolidation"
D. Eugenio Ruiz of the Cloths. Agricultural engineer. ETM, SL (Office in Madrid)
17.30-17.30: "Problems of practical application"
D. José Díaz-Reixa. Lawyer Urbanista (Office in Santa Cruz de Tenerife)
17.30-18.30: Roundtable
18.30-19.00: Closing
We hope and know it will be helpful. Sign up here.