Blogger Templates
Today I want to dedicate this post to promoting a project that has just been launched on September 30, where a good friend is launching a blog, a network member News Blog called, a gallery of blog designs hosted on Blogger, the blogging platform of Google.
Thanks to this project, all those who have a blog on Blogger can enjoy a compilation of almost 200 templates (they hope to reach 500 before the end of the year) free and free for download and use in blogs.
Each design hosted on our platform contains:
- A screenshot to preview the design
- A link to an online demo
- Links to the original credits (author, designer)
- A link to download the design. Normally these designs come in a .zip file that contains an XML file with the design and a tutorial to integrate it into the blog
In this way, they intend to create a unique meeting point where bloggers can search for the design they want for their weblog and template designers can promote their own work for free. If you are a template designer and want to promote your work in templates-blogger, you can use this form to get in touch with them.
Templates-blogger is the first project of an initiative that Actualidad Blog is going to launch to create a series of online resources especially aimed at the blogger community, so you have to be vigilant.
Ah, they also have a Feed through which you can follow up on the news: