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How to raise 3D buildings in Google Earth

Many of us are familiar with the Google Earth tool, and that is why in recent years we have witnessed its interest...

View UTM coordinates in Google Maps and Street View – using AppScript on Google Spreadsheet

This is an exercise developed with students from a Google Scripts course conducted by the AulaGEO Academy, co...

Get altitudes of a route in Google Earth

When we draw a route in Google Earth, it is possible to see its elevation in the application. But when we download the app, we can see the elevation of the route in the app.

How to download images from Google Earth - Google Maps - Bing - ArcGIS Imagery and other sources

For many of us analysts, who wish to build maps where a raster reference of any kind is displayed, we have to consider the following:

Download maps and plan a route using BBBike

BBBike is an application whose main objective is to provide a route planner for traveling, using bicycle, ...

My experience using Google Earth for Cadastre

I often see the same questions in the keywords by which users arrive at Geofumadas from the ...

View Google Earth coordinates in Excel - and convert them to UTM

I have data in Google Earth, and I want to visualize the coordinates in Excel. As you can see, it is a terrain with 7 vertices...

Open shp files with Google Earth

The Google Earth Pro version has long since stopped being paid for, and with it it is possible to open different files...
Spatial manager cad

Spatial Manager: Manage spatial data efficiently even from AutoCAD

Spatial Manager is a stand-alone application for spatial data management. It also supports the following applications:
Connect google earth with cad

Sync Microstation with Google Earth

  Google Earth has become an almost inevitable tool in our current cartographic processes. Although it is not a very easy task, it is a very useful tool for mapping...
Postgis maps

CartoDB, the best for creating online maps

CartoDB is one of the most interesting applications developed for the creation of online maps, visualizing the...
Gps maps

OkMap, best for creating and editing GPS maps. GRATUITOUS

OkMap is perhaps one of the most robust programs for building, editing and managing GPS maps. And its attribute ...

SuperGIS Desktop, some comparisons ...

SuperGIS is part of the Supergeo model that I talked about a few days ago, which has been very successful on the Asian continent. Then...

Posify, low-cost GPS centimetric accuracy

This product was recently presented at the ESRI Users Conference in Spain, just last week and is...

The Trans 450, Rapid Transit Bus for Tegucigalpa

This is an interesting project that now takes place in Honduras, under the modality of Bus Rapid Transit (BTR). Although it is now in that stage of understanding before the carriers that do not have the clarity of how cities evolve, it seems to us one of the milestones in the development of the thematic axis of Territorial Organization and Urban Mobility of Tegucigalpa.

The concept is recent in countries of the Central American area although it began in the 70 years in Brazil, from where it has reached many countries of America like Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, Peru, Chile, Mexico, Canada, the United States and in different countries of Europe And Africa. It is popularized in countries with overcrowded cities such as China and India.

And it is that in itself is not simply more buses glued by the tail, but a methodology that includes the gradual construction of trunk systems that operate without affecting the rest of traffic, with feeder, exclusive lane, security system, scheduled routes, geolocation and With at least two main intentions: Be a fast transport system and maintain a quality service. Both challenges are the main problems of traditional transport systems and where there will be much to work beyond the technical aspect in one of the cities with recent bad pejorative in terms of security and ordering.

The Trans 450 has a page with information that should be of interest to all of us who are associated with Territorial Planning, analyzing its evolution and impact is more than useful. We promote it because the good things that happen should motivate us to counteract That pessimistic spirit To believe that we have no solution.

So here are the two important aspects of the Trans 450 page.

The planning and structuring studies of the first phase.

This includes two documents, the diagnosis and a presentation with the analysis of current 12 routes, showing the behavior on a working day and a festive one in regards to the SUBE / LOW.


  • With this the pattern of mobility of the users in the area of ​​influence is known.
  • It also determines the load profiles through the volume of passengers per stop of the routes surveyed


Trans 450


The top map shows the disaster how those 12 routes now operate. The chaos of a bus stopped for half an hour at a station, stops in places not indicated, the blocking of two lanes to hinder the other one that is coming ... all because the same passenger is fighting.


Trans 450

These maps show the demand of users by stop station, to the right one working day, in gray the SUBE and in blue the LOW. See how on the weekday all the low concentrates on the final point while on the non-working day the stop stations are the malls of the road.

The BTR systems operate in function of travel and not of captured passenger, with which the user can be guaranteed time and periodicity. There is a lot to learn from both documents, although the presentation is only the summary of the complete study, it shows between the lines how the conceptual model works, how the tariffs are worked and the institutional articulation so that it is public but maintains its quality.

View studies

System Mapping

This is mounted on the Google Earth API and shows structured interest information in the following layers:

  • Administrative. Here is the urban boundary, the municipal boundary and the neighborhoods / colonies
  • Trans 450 routes. With linear geometries of the trunks and feeders
  • Stop stations
  • Construction phases
  • Characterization. This seems to us an interesting category, where the colonies are thematized by the degree of social vulnerability and demand.

Trans 450

Although they are kml layers with an AJAX interface, we think it is a valuable initiative to show the population with Internet access which is not easy to explain in a short TV report and will surely have more information as the development of the Internet progresses. work.

Trans 450

Here is the model mounted on TransCAD, Caliper's CAD / GIS software

View Map Page


Export list of geographic coordinates to Google Earth, from Excel, with image and rich text

This is an example of how Excel can be used to send content to Google Earth. The case is this: We have a list of c...

Excel to Google Earth, from UTM coordinates

Let's look at the case: I have gone to the field to survey a property, as shown in the following table and I want to view...

How to insert local images in Google Earth

Answering some questions that I have received, I take the opportunity to leave the result for public use. A while ago there was talk...
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