- 4 hours without power,
- No tv, no radio, no news.
The channel of government was conveying that the president had been imprisoned.
Then he stopped broadcasting, and all the radio and television channels left.
A few minutes later the air force planes made their foray.
11:00 am. The Supreme Court of Justice notified on chain that the order to seize the ballot boxes had been sent.
11:30 am. The Supreme Electoral Court advised that it guaranteed elections for November 2009
12:35 The national congress read a written resignation from the president, which said he was doing it to maintain order. He notified that he accepted and delegated a commission to prepare a project, and suspended the session for 10 minutes.
At the international level, there are confusing versions, because these lelos have not had the honor of formally communicating what is happening. Telesur is communicating that it is a coup.
Apparently the letter of resignation is from the 25 of June.
12: 50 The president is notifying that he did not sign any waiver, which is a conspiracy.
Facebook seems to be the best means of gossip, as the media are more lost than usual
1: 00 pm, a downpour is falling in the style of La Mala Hora, the energy is not slow.
2: 25 pm, the congress accepted the resignation and as the rule of law says, the president of the congress takes over
The death of a deputy, a union leader who apparently opposed the arrest, is reported.
Then it is not a coup, which is constitutional succession because the president was acting outside the law.
Curfew, I'll be around ... as long as I do not get rid of the internet again.
thanks for waiting. There will be time to geofumar, with less pressure.
To read extremes:
The play is half chueca, there are many questions without answer from both ends that only history can clarify.
What a pity now they are so dumb they are going to capture Mel when they let him go on Sunday
Well the fault is honey and his cronies allied with the devil chavez but the sovereigns Honduran oligarchs ferrari, canahuati, facusse, nasser as they see all non Indians who have us in poverty that GOD SEIZE us CONFESSED
Thanks Edwin, the better the bad swallow that happens fast
That you are well, my friend. And like John, let this happen soon.
Hi, thanks for hanging Juan.
There is a lot of confusion at the international level, for now I prefer to remain outside the illegalities of the former president, arbitrariness of his madness, coups d'état, no, not blows, constitutional succession, little charisma of the successor, etc.
Because for the moment, the curfew after 9pm, the fear of being able to write what one thinks freely, the fear that Chavez will invade on the Nicaraguan side, that the international community will have many confusion about what really happened, and the priority over the safety of the family ... it makes me think about what many friends have done in recent months: get passports and visas for the family and look for other destinations ...
But I want to believe that these countries have the opportunity to remake themselves, that these shocks serve to give people better opportunities ... and finally to let us work.
Hello G!,
I hope everything is fine for you and your family and this happens soon.
A abrazo.
Juan Manuel Escuredo
Violent coup d'état. That is what the Electoral Board did together with the Supreme Court of "Justice" and Congress using the military (who in Latin America have not yet learned that they are always the "Useful Idiots" of the coup plotters and then they are the ones who go to trial and to jail for violating human rights).
Shame should have these people who use democratic institutions to give coups.
America is going to turn its back on these fachistas groups who do not accept that their wealth can not be sustained in the misery of others.
There are no Kings without Subjects ... The truth is that the coup plotters are very unintelligent if the only excuse they found was to declare a Popular Consultation illegal to see if a Non-Binding Referendum would be held in the future to finally see if later still, the Constitution could be reformed. Obviously they are terrified of the people expressing themselves. That is why today they want to impose terror. I hope there are no more deaths….
Gentlemen, if a government is bad, then wait until next year (Zelaya has a mandate until 2010), and vote for another. And if the majority of your people choose the "bad guy", then that is what the majority wants. That is Democracy.