Blog mode
I want to put a cartography blog, who do I write for?
- February, 2008
- Posted by: Golgi Alvarez
- Category: Internet and Blogs My geofumadas

When you start a blog, there are many questions on the desktop, especially not to fail; One of them is for whom to write.
There are different positions, these are some:
1. Write for acquaintances.
This is valid for those who want to put a personal blog, where they can tell the episodes of their life, studies or trips. The biggest disadvantage is that visits will always be few unless you achieve a certain fame (be it because your blog reaches many years, you become a film actor or you launch into politics :))
2. Write for search engines.
This is a tactic widely used by those looking only to monetize their blogs, but their content tends to only revolve around the issues at the moment. They do not create their own content, rather they plagiarize sections of other blogs or link to half the world without having anything of their own. The biggest disadvantage, they don't win faithful readers and sooner or later they enter practices that Google penalizes.
3. Write for a topic segment.
This is a strategy that is based on the search for a little-exploited niche but with potential, or even if it is exploited, it has enough loose themes there. To achieve this, it is generally necessary to know statistics of Internet users, users of computer tools on this subject, web applications oriented to that sector and aspects that give us an idea of how far it can grow if readers can be found.
Aspects to consider when choosing a thematic segment:
Language. Although the English language is the best alternative to write, due to the number of users that can be reached worldwide, the competition is tough and clear ... you have to master English. Spanish is still a viable alternative, it is considered the second most consulted language on Google.
Users of that theme. Few people would dare to create a blog in which they want to talk about a program to solve
Competitive Blogs. If a topic is saturated with blogs, with age it will be necessary to think about offering something different or it simply will not be possible to grow.
Ability to master the subject. It is not possible to have a blog on a subject that you do not have total control, sooner or later readers will catch you. So if the subject is broad, it is better to be an expert in AutoCAD than to get into subjects of spatial models that you cannot properly master.
Capacity to respond to demand. If the blog finds a place, you will have readers who will make comments every day and will see your responses. What to say about how often they will expect to see updates, so how many readers you want to have is directly proportional to how much time you spend writing and living with those who visit you.
Author:Golgi Alvarez
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All right, Julio. Before blogs were simple personal blogs, little by little they have come to form communities of learning with greater contribution.
As long as blogging is for many users it will be a successful blog but if it is a blog just to tell the private life of x people that will be really boring and the audience will be scarce, blogs should be useful, my opinion very individual .