Blog mode
June was a month, which as I saw many bloggers comment, the statistics fell ... although I personally think that the change of dns of the servers also influenced the Google search engines and I feel that some penalty also It is at stake because of social networks.
AdSense also fell, and to top it off Google has said that it eliminates the earnings by references ... we will have to try it now with DoubleClick, so I will miss ArchiCAD and Firefox that this month they gave their pickets.
Anyway, in the normal life I passed several interesting incidents:
A good friend returned to Asturias, I think I will miss her Geek spirit, I turned one more year, Spain was crowned champion, my father suffered another stroke that adds penalties to his last days, my mother-in-law's birthday was ... rays !, if several passed stuff.
I kept busy returning from Baltimore, my systematization diploma and the seminar that I had to teach on a multi-country cadastre.
Julio is coming with something of the same, I must teach an Arcview 3.3 course !!! Believe it or not, there are people who still pay to receive courses in these Jurassic systems. I hope walking the course to convince you of what your next step could be, because of its tendency I think it will be to suggest ArcGIS.
For now, I have to go back on tour for the weekend, and leave for Bolivia on Sunday, July 6. On this occasion I will take a high poporoila of national cadastre, I hope to have time to convince you that they need to build a good cartographic services portal or they will die in absolescence.
In brief, this is what I could post the month:
- Geofumadas: from the Multifinalist Cadastre
- Training of Cadastre in Peru
- The 11,169 geodesic vertices of Spain
Manifold GIS and ESRI
- How to make IMS with Manifold GIS
- Manifold GIS wins the Geospatial Leadership Award at GeoTec
- How long will the shape file survive?
Bentley Systems and Microstation
AutoDesk and AutoCAD
- How Autodesk Design Works
- Plugin for ecw services with AutoCAD
- What's New in AutoCAD Civil 3D 2009
- Tell your AutoCAD experience and receive a video camera
Loose Themes
- Implications of the trip to Bolivia
- Speaking of obsolete masters ...
- Forecast for the next 45 minutes?
- Geospatial Events June 2008
The art of blogging and those waves
- $ 30 for celebrating blogger's day
- Opportunity to work in Madrid
- Geofumadas, summary of the month of May
- Green numbers
- A live counter of Firefox downloads
- Today is Download Day
Google Earth and other perversions
Author:Golgi Alvarez
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