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Preparing for my trip to Houston
- April, 2009
- Posted by: Golgi Alvarez
- Category: Engineering My geofumadas Trips

Yesterday another of those invitations arrived that fill with great satisfaction, especially when they mention that they are with travel and accommodation expenses paid. So I'm ... happy, even though life not always smile one Google Earth, Google Search and AdSense give good times to a Blog post as Geofumadas.
I will be through Houston in the week of the 6 to the 14 of June receiving a training on techniques of Engineering applied to the construction ... to the North American style.
In the United States and Canada, the use of wood for construction purposes is very different from what happens in tropical countries where reinforced concrete for structures predominates and concrete block, fired clay brick and cement mortar predominate to fill spaces. Partly because the existence of these materials in these areas isAnd labor is not expensive when compared to the American; this has made it there that they seek to industrialize the wood and metal to the point that the labor is reduced to the simple assembly of prefabricated pieces with a high level of ecological protection.
Snavely Forest is one of those examples, this company is over a century old and when you see the products you can see that they go far beyond simple doors and moldings. Its engineered products include open web beams, I-beams, columns, and different wooden structures combined with steel.
This way it is possible to handle clearings up to 20 meters of light, with wood treated against the moth, chemical and even against fire. Of course, they must ensure that tornadoes make them porridge in a heartbeat, then only do them again.
It is interesting that a house with two floors and 14 rooms with the foundation slab prepared by a good surveyor and according to the design, it is possible to build the framework in just 6 days and in 10 more days to leave it ready to inhabit. Only with 6 trained people ... it sounds incredible to me and that's just one of the maneuvers that I hope to see there.
In the case of Simpson products, there are even menus that can be loaded into the AutoCAD bar to work on the templates of your products while TrimJoist keeps its catalogs available with the files in dxf format to download.
Here I leave some links of interest within the theme that I must know before the trip not to go to nosh.
For now, to buy a cheap flight and to process visa to my boy who to his 10 years deserves a return there.
Author:Golgi Alvarez
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