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Leave Venezuela in time of blackouts

I think some people know the situation in Venezuela, I say some because I know that Venezuela is not the center of the universe...

How I got my son out of Venezuela

After attending the concert for humanitarian aid to Venezuela, I decided to finish with a writing that I had not been able to...

Venezuela Crisis - Blog 23.01.2019

Yesterday, at 11 pm my brothers went out to protest, I told them to please go up to the house, but my sister held back...

How the world map was in 1922

This latest edition of National Geographic brings two topics of great interest: On the one hand, a wide range of...

Other Obliquities of the Political Crisis in Honduras

2009 was the year in which the political crisis in Honduras exploded in the new form of coups d'état, with the ca...

Of the coups d'etat of Honduras and Paraguay

First of all, I'll start by clarifying that I call it a coup d'état because after months of investigation, the report of ...

Latinobarómetro, 2011 report

There is a Latin America hidden behind the stereotypical image of the 20th century, we have transformed ourselves. While the deb...

Of blows of state and other gajes

  After the Truth Commission report was released, we were able to read in detail the testimonies of those who...

gvSIG, Conquering New Spaces ... Necessary! Controversial?

This is the name that has been given to the Seventh International Conference of gvSIG to be held at the end of 2018.

The Honduran crisis seems to end

  "If you have to give birth to iguanas, we will breed iguanas," he said. "But there will be no more deaths in this town because of you."

Honduras: Back in crisis, civil war is once again an option

It's been a long time since I last wrote about this topic, but the events of the last week and the many inquiries...

... days I don't want to pass ...

A weekend, disconnected from the chickens of Farmville, from the tasks that never end, from the garlands that...

The post 801

This post should not be wasted on a pointless topic, but the week will be very busy if I want to go on a long vacation...

The crisis in Honduras ... continues

Those who are traveling, stay where they are, airports closed, my son happy because he will not have his exam. T...

Approximately 10 loose sentences of the catracha crisis

…after pinching myself twice on the arm, I finally accepted that I was not dreaming. …if Honduras denounces...

Honduras chose the third alternative

“I hereby inform you that I denounce the letter from the Organization of American States in accordance with...

Honduras: perverse or viable alternatives haven't written to me for days. Did they take away your Internet? Or are you out on the streets? Or is it that you don't love me anymore?...

6 days that have changed our lives

The last few days have been so different from each other. Each one has had a different flavor, it's a shame that the ...
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