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For Researchers, Real Estate Tax Project


Call for Researcher Selection

The Program for Latin America and the Caribbean announces the selection process for researchers interested in participating in a study on real estate tax systems in Latin America. The project seeks to collect and systematize financial, legal and administrative data on the property tax, in jurisdictions of different countries of the region with a view to the dissemination of information and the elaboration of performance indicators in notable attributes, such as cadastre, appraisals, collection and collection, among others.

Researcher's Responsibilities

cadastral valuation1. Collect data in 10 to 15 jurisdictions in your country on property tax, including financial data; basic legislation; form of determination and administration of the tax; and general data on selected countries and jurisdictions. The data will be used to update the available files in the sections "Data access" and "Indicators" accessible in:


2. Review the questionnaire used for data collection, including the proposal of a simplified form appropriate for your country. Currently used questionnaires are available at:


3. Participate in a face-to-face workshop in the city of Porto Alegre, Brazil. The workshop will be held over a weekend (to be announced), probably in late November or mid-December.

4. Participate in a 2-day virtual workshop, which will take place in March 2012 (exact date to be defined in due course). This workshop will also be held over a weekend.

5. Prepare individual and group reports associated with the following complementary tasks that will be carried out during the workshops.

  • Critical evaluation of the research method, instruments used in the survey, form of dissemination of research data, strategies to attract contributors and collaborators.
  • Systematization of data sources in your country.
  • General review of published data about your country / jurisdiction on the Lincoln website.
  • Identification of 10 new terms for the glossary, 10 web links about your country and 10 publications that are relevant in the area of ​​real estate taxation.
  • Contribution in the development of a template (summary table) on the property tax to be used in international comparisons. 
  • Contribution in the structuring of future reports on the tax.



The selection of participants to be hired in the project will be based on the following documents and information, which should be sent to before the 12 of November of 2011:

  • Curriculum vitae (CV) summarized (2 maximum sheets), including data on their current occupation and relationship to the property tax subject.
  • Comment of a maximum of 3 pages on the situation and / or critical issues on the property tax in your country.
  • Reference letter from a professional with whom you have worked, including e-mail address and telephone number to contact you.
  • Indicate which jurisdictions you would consider viable and representative of your country, specifying references to the data sources where you will find the socio-economic information and tax statistics relevant to this project.

If you are selected:
- US $ 9,200. Additionally, the Lincoln Institute will cover the costs of transportation, lodging and meals related to the face-to-face workshop.
Contract Period - November 2011 to May 2012.

For questions and clarifications, write to

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