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Maximum PC, a great magazine

New-side-covers The August edition of Maximum PC has been great, it is somewhat more expensive than the others of its level ($ 9 in the USA and $ 12 in other countries), although subscribe Just worth $ 25 a year, with 12 editions.

After PC Magazine phased out its English print edition, I started consuming this magazine, usually without buying it, for the cost of a good mocha coffee. His reading made me feel a different flavor to the linear and predictable content of that one and the Geek freshness of this one, without losing quality in its writing. Among the most attractive of this edition:

The race towards 8 MHz.

at A collectible article by Erik Klein, based on the experience of a morning in the Museum of History of the computer, which shows the most influential developments in the 40 years it took to reach the first 16-Bit IBM PC. Incredible, this 286 was the first machine I used for running SAICIC 2.

The article has photographs and specifications like RAM, CPU, operating system and innovation that made it stand out from the following models:

1971-1975 Years Kenbak-1 (1971) Xerox High (1973) SCELBI-8 (1974)
MITS Altair 8800 (1975)


1976-1980 Years IMSAI 8080 (1976) Apple I

Commodore Pet (1976) TRS-80 Model I (1977) Apple II (1977)
Exidy Sorcerer
Atari 400 / 800 (1979) Apple /// (1980)
1981-1985 Years Osborne 1 (1981) Epson HX-20 (1981) IBM PC
Comodo 64 (1982) Franklin Ace (1982) Compaq Portable (1982)
IBM PCjr (1982) IBM PC XT (1983) AppleMacintosh (1983)
IBM PC / AT (1984)

At the end, the guys on the editorial staff comment on what their first computer was. Besides, there are interesting articles such as:

  • 8 Firefox Add-ons that you probably do not know
  • 9 ways to prevent disasters on your PC
  • If you weigh less than a goose, then it's ultra portable
  • La Acer Aspire One inside

Page Maximum PC Contains material of the same level, can be followed with Twitter and Facebook, it is also possible to see the Previous editions In pdf format, although only 3 months later, so May 2009 backwards can be downloaded for collection.

Each edition includes a CD with some podcast and never despicable software.

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