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The best hotels in the Adriatic
- October, 2008
- Posted by: Golgi Alvarez
- Category: Leisure / inspiration Others

There is no doubt that a vacation on the Italian coast of the Adriatic Sea is an unforgettable experience. In search of providing a good response to the demand of users who choose this area to spend their free time, the Special Hotel Portal emerged with the idea of a young businessman who had been developing, creating and optimizing tourist services.
This is how this website seeks to guarantee the best services to millions of vacationers, tourists and people who populate the Rivera Romagnola every year; Hence, its best advertising is directed all'albertatore and operator of hotels, residences, apartments and guest rooms and other facilities in general.
What's wrong with it Hotel Rimini
Geographic orientation
It has a flash application that allows you to select locations based on geographic location; which produces ideal results for the surroundings of that region not only in lodging solutions but also in tourist attractions that the Romagna culture includes in routes to the interior, delicious culinary recipes and places of interest. Although with the rise of applications based on web maps it would be better to implement something more in tune with the conventions that users are used to using.
Guidance based on tastes
The site has search features that allow you to find an offer in order of price, based on features such as Internet, Pool, piano bar, bicycles, garage, sauna, etc.
Service Based Orientation
Among the best that the SpacialeHotel portal has is the functionality in several languages, including Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, English, etc. Although in practice this functionality is not very well optimized, which produces broken links, for example when using a language other than Italian and selecting one of the icons on the right. While they are waiting for them to improve this detail, we must acknowledge their effort to maintain translation in several languages.
Additionally, the portal allows the opportunity to present ads and offers for free that may be available to site visitors, this is then complemented by search alternatives for "newer" or "lower price"
In conclusion, if you are going to be on the Adriatic coast, it would be worth taking a look at SpecialeHotel.
Author:Golgi Alvarez
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