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Extensions for ArcView 3x

Although ArcView 3x is an archaic version, it is still widely used so far mainly for desktop use, the shape file despite being a 16-bit file is still used by many programs. One of the advantages that this generation found was the functionality of downloading extensions that put crutches to the weaknesses of these versions such as the lack of topological control.

However, we cannot deny that at the time it was the best that there was, it popularized the trend in the management of geographic information and even, a large number of programs that exist today are based on the functionalities promoted by ArcView. Here is a list of some extensions provided by Jeff Jenness:

Free Extensions for ArcView 3.x

ArcView Extensions for Vector Management

Alternate Animal Movement Routes, v. 2.1 Analyzes the potential route of movement of an animal based on certain characteristics of the habitat
Distance / Azimuth Tools, v. 1.6 These tools provide options for generating vectors on base paths and distances manually or in tabular form
Distance and Azimuth Matrix, v. 2.1 With this extension you can create tables in matrix form of bearings and distances of objects and send them to different formats like Excel or comma-separated text
Center of Mass, v. 1.b To find the centroid of an object
Convex Hulls from Points, v. 1.23 Converts multiple objects to a convex mass with common characteristics
Distance / Azimuth between Matched Features, v. 2.1 Generates a box of paths and distances between objects that share common characteristics
Identify Features Within Distance Identifies objects that are within a defined buffer or distance
Longest Straight Line, v. 1.3a Longest distance within an object
Nearest Features, v. 3.8b Closest object within certain characteristics
Path, with Distances and Bearing, v. 3.2b Calculate distance and heading by creating a path between defined objects
Radiating Lines and Points v. 1.1 To create radial lines from a point
Random Point Generator v. 1.3 Generates random points within a defined radius
Repeating Shapes Generates repetitive objects
Weighted Mean of Points v. 1.2c Regressions from points
3D Weighted Mean of Points, v. 1.2a Regressions to in 3 Dimensions
Extensions for analysis and management of Grid / Tin digital terrain models
Cohen's Kappa and Classification Table Metrics 2.1a Classification based on the Cohen's Kappa method
Directional Slope Directional Slope Manual Generates slope maps
Grid and Theme Regression, 3.1e Regression Manual Regressions from mass of points
Grid and Theme Projector v. 2 Handling projections between topics and grids
Download Grid Tools Extension Grid Tools (Jenness Enterprises) v. 1.7 Various tools to combine and analyze different grids
Mahalanobis Distances Mahalanobis Manual Different ways of doing spatial analysis using Mahalonobis methods
Surface Areas and Ratios from Elevation Grid Generates surfaces from grids
Surface Tools for Points, Lines and Polygons, v. 1.6a Generates surfaces from points and lines
Topographic Position Index (TPI) v. 1.3a Calculates Topographic Position Index and generates new resources for grid analysis

Other Extensions

ArcPress Exporter Export to ArcPress
Case-Sensitive Queries, v. 1.4 Provides better choices for queries to differentiate between uppercase and lowercase letters
Extension Loader Improve features to load extensions
Find Duplicate Shapes or Records Find duplicate objects and data
Line Direction Tool, v. 2.1 Shows the direction in which the lines were constructed
Script and Dialog Tools, v. 2.0015 Tools to build dialogs and script code
Dissolve Adjacent Polygons, v. 1.8a Dissolves adjacent polygons
Progress Meter - Dialogue Creates a progress bar that indicates the progress of a process
Remove Z / M attributes from Shapes v. 1.1 It allows to eliminate the attributes Z and M of the objects
Split Multipart Features Operations with multipart figures associated with the same record
Split Shapefiles, v. 1.4 Separate objects by associating them with different records

Source: Jenness Enterprise


  • Gerardo Herrera M. April, 2017 at

    Can you please tell me what the 3.2 arcview extension is for creating polygon points or if there is any extension to create a construction box, thanks

  • Mapipi10 May, 2015 at

    Good morning, a consumer, Can you help me please? Is there any extension or tool that places many points on an equal distance from one another? I have a shp of 10 thousand points and I need everyone to be at a distance of 1,5 mts each. Thank you very much and congratulations for the web, it is very useful for me.

  • Roberto June, 2014 at

    Greetings, I need an application that allows me to export my 3.3 arcview maps to Tiff know of some application. Thank you

  • Paul Ventura January, 2013 at

    Sorry I'm new to this and if I'd like to know what extensions I can use to work in 3.2 arcview. They saw that they had already installed it to me and I could only see that they said some that took the image but I do not know which ones and for reasons of formatting I am left without this program and it is costing me, thanks beforehand

  • Gonzalo November, 2012 at

    That was. Thank you

  • g! November, 2012 at

    Your doubt is not so clear, but it should be done by spatial analysis, by objects that are touched. If they overlap, then you create one of the centroid layers and then cross these centroids against the other plots with the condition that the resulting table include the data of both layers.

  • Gonzalo November, 2012 at

    Hello, I need to join two tables, with all their information, but they do not have ID in common, only intersecting common spaces in the polygons. To be clearer, I have the Shapes of communes and regions apart and I need to join their tables so that by clicking the info comes out in a more practical way.

    thanks, greetings

  • g! April, 2012 at

    You can contact the IDE of SEGEPLAN, where there is a lot of data from Guatemala being used and you can connect from any GIS program that supports OGC services

  • Paul Ventura April, 2012 at

    Where can I get orthophotos or maps of Guatemala to put them in the program

  • g! May, 2011 at

    Well, we'll take a look to post the link and comment on it. As long as the link does not promote copyright infringement.

    a greeting.

  • Arturo1000 May, 2011 at

    I already sent it, anything, contact me.

  • g! May, 2011 at

    Hello Arturo
    No problem, we give you the necessary credits. As long as the link is legal.

    You can send them to the email editor (at)

  • Arturo1000 May, 2011 at

    Hello, for arcview, I have the collection of extensions Arc4You, which has some very interesting and ready to use things without restrictions; If the author of this topic interests you, I pass, just the credits, is all I ask. You can find me in a famous Argentine forum with my alias of arturo1000.

  • Nager November, 2010 at

    Please help me not load any bar with the arcview GIS 3.2, when selecting the range .. asks me for the file and does not recognize it. If somebody solved the problem, please indicate it.

  • Feliciano November, 2010 at


  • ERICK September, 2010 at

    It is appreciated the contributions I would like to know if someone can please send me or publish an extension to link the Arcview 3.2 with Google Earth 2010 thanks

  • WILLIAM SANTOS March, 2010 at


  • Daniela G February, 2010 at

    Thanks for the generosity

  • Carlos R December, 2009 at

    Thank you very much for these tools, and in general, a greeting to Cartesia and Geofumadas.

  • g! November, 2009 at

    The prj file is the one you must open with Arcview 3x or import it with ArcGIS 9x. This file has the structure of all the content.

  • Ricardo November, 2009 at

    Hello, thanks for your contribution.
    I need to open an index of orthophotos but the files are extension prj bdf sbn sbx.
    If you could help me I will thank you.

  • Soganep October, 2009 at

    Hello, thank you very much for the contribution.

  • jose August, 2009 at

    Hello are the extensions interesting, I could opyar with the extensions coordxy.avx and coordinates.avx

  • ismael May, 2009 at

    A great sense of solidarity with those in trouble.

  • Edwin February, 2009 at

    Hello, thanks for the extentions these are super interesting

  • Crosby February, 2009 at

    I was reviewing the extensions, it's very valuable, or what I'm taking for my work

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