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Tetris game, learning geography
- March, 2008
- Posted by: Golgi Alvarez
- Category: Teaching CAD / GIS Others

Again, the crazy kids of Msgmap, Bring some maps in the form of the ancient game of tetris.
For now, country maps are available:
Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, South Carolina UK, USA
And also maps of continents:
Although you have almost been uploading a new map every month, it may be a good way to invest in entertainment in exchange for Adsense clicks and may be useful to students.
Although the age of the boys of this time do not like this type of games, there are several studies that relate to Tetris with the development of mental ability in strategy and planning ... or at least that was said of that original game that Alexey Pazhitnov created in a single afternoon.
There have been several versions, ... and although I have not seen it again, it was very good sextris 🙂
Author:Golgi Alvarez
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