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Ipad, my 43 favorite applications


Playing, playing with this tablet I propose to stop using the laptop at the beginning of next year. My uncertainty if this will really be possible has led me to look for the basic tools that replace what I do -And stopped doing- in my routine.

Ipad apps main

It is interesting the model of operation of Apple with These tablets, as the applications are downloaded or purchased, and you can easily know that there are updates. The synchronization is clean, the system detects if there are applications that have not been transferred to the tablet and before updating new changes it makes a backup just in case.

The purchase is practical, you have to register in AppleStore, you just have to search for them by keyword or subject and you just have to download and accept the debit. Once purchased, when you want to download them from another computer, you recognize that they have already been paid and the credit card is not charged again.

Here I leave the best I have found:


For security, Access and administration.

Ipad apps Search my iPad
It allows you to see where your iPad is on Google Maps, in case you forget it or it is stolen. You can from there reset it, follow it or send a message.
Ipad apps DropBox
To store information in the cloud. It works as an online hard drive, a little better than storing in Gmail since it synchronizes from any desktop.
Ipad apps Cloud Connect Pro
To connect to computers within a Lan, synchronize data, take control of a PC ... and several other things.
$24.99 Cloud Connect Pro - Antecea Inc.
Ipad apps Team Viewer
The best thing I've reviewed, works on the Ipad but has the disadvantage that generally another open panel is occupied to be giving instructions by Skype ... momentary drawbacks of the current version quasi multitask.
Ipad apps LastPass Tab Browser
Very good at handling passwords for frequently used pages. Useful because the iPad does not support user sessions.
Ipad apps USB Stick for Ipad
This allows you to manage the stored files, as if it were a USB memory.
Ipad apps HD Battery
This presents a graph of how the battery is, how much time is left in different options, using Wireless, 3G and audio.


For common work Office, CAD and basic GIS.

Ipad apps Pages
It is an equivalent of Microsoft Word. In many more practical things, nothing more than with the nails. It supports .docx files, with some limitations when using unusual fonts.
$9.99 Pages - Apple
Ipad apps Numbers
Sort of like Excel, it reads .xlsx files even though it ungroups merged cells. It has a visual potential that I have not yet exploited.
$9.99 Numbers - Apple
Ipad apps Keynote
The PowerPoint version for Ipads. It reads pptx formats and does enough to create presentations, even with some very cool effects that Office versions don't come with.
$9.99 Keynote - Apple
Ipad apps Mindjet
To work with mind maps, it supports native formats with slight limitations in files protected by password and relationships.
$8.99 Mindjet for iPad - Mindjet LLC
Ipad apps 2Do
Great to take control of things to do
Ipad apps AutoCAD WS
I had already reviewed it a couple of days ago, great for working dwg / dxf files although it does not keep pace with the web version.
Ipad apps GISRoam
The best thing that has come out to work GIS layers. Supports shape files, elevations, raster, editing, theming, query and something more.
$19.99 GISRoam - Cogent3D
Ipad apps ArcGIS
It is a GIS data viewer, with the ability to stick to web services that are built with ArcGIS Server. I hope to do a review of this in the next few days, to see if it supports any OGC standards.
Ipad apps Offmaps 2
Very good application that allows to download maps of cities based on Open Street Maps and handle them in a disconnected way.
$0.99 OffMaps 2 - iosphere GmbH
Ipad apps Gaia GPS
Very robust to capture routes with the GPS that the iPad has integrated. Measure speed, distance, generate profiles and integrate with online layers.
(Now it costs more)
Gaia GPS - TrailBehind
Ipad apps House Plans Catalog
Excellent for downloading designs of houses with plans included.
Ipad apps Balance Scorecard
Ipad version of BsC, which allows to carry project control control.
$24.99 Balanced Scorecard - Business & Strategy
Ipad apps Calculator HD
Basic for normal calculator functions. There are other more complex ones, with graphics, but to replace the dinosaur that Windows brings, this is enough.


For entertainment And take advantage of leisure time or inspiration

Ipad apps TuneIn Radio
Robust, to listen to radio stations. Identify those in the area where you live, thanks to the location function that the iPad brings
Ipad apps FarmVille
Since the Ipad does not support Flash in the current version, this application allows you to do the basics on the farm.
Ipad apps Ibooks
To download and read books with ease. Very good, it supports any type of book, with drawings and colors, which the Kinddle cannot.
Ipad apps World Atlas HD
Very good atlas of National Geographics, to learn more, to locate oneself, to find places. Ideal for those who travel a lot or are fond of maps, it includes basic information about countries.


To write, Or at least not lose the habit.

Ipad apps Blogsy
One of the best for blogging, much better than BlogPress. It is the one I use, its recent improvements make it easy to insert hyperlinks, images and rich text.
$4.99 Blogsy - Fomola
Ipad apps Woopra
To monitor the traffic on a website, in real time. The version is for Iphone, so it is seen on Ipad in 2x mode.
Ipad apps BlogPress
A great blogging app. Supports the most common content management systems: Blogger and WordPress among them, but also TypePad, LiveJournal, Movable Type, SquarespaceLive Spaces, Tumblr and Joomla. Unfortunately, it is somewhat far-fetched to recognize XMLRPC.
Ipad apps Yo hablo Espanol
Very good application to read text aloud. Includes translation between English and Spanish, with reading in both.
There is for other languages, it looks very promising to learn other languages ​​or move in another country with language that we do not handle.

RSSpeaker is pretty good too, though it's for you to read feeds aloud. There is a version for English and Spanish.

$1.99 ISpeak Spanish - Future Apps Inc.
Ipad apps RAE
Dictionary of the Royal Academy, an indispensable tool for those of us who are constantly writing. Includes dictionary of synonyms and antonyms, conjugation of verbs and pre-Hispanic dictionary of doubts
Ipad apps Evernote
To navigate there, write down, remember.
Ipad apps Analytics Doctor HD
To monitor Google Analytics in traffic to our websites.
$2.99 Analytics Doctor Pro HD - Global Agent Inc
Ipad apps Chapters
This is very good to write that story with which you spend hours of leisure on the trips. It makes it easy to create chapters and sections unlike the other notebooks.
$3.99 Chapters - Notebooks for Writing - Steven Romej
Ipad apps Biblia
One of the best for reading the bible, it includes many versions, languages ​​and study plans. Great for kids' homework when they are in evangelical schools or to easily find references.


To Stay Connected

Ipad apps Diigo Browser
A browser that emulates Chrome on the iPad, very good for those who do not get used to Safari. Before Google made them math it was called iChromy.
Free Diigo Browser - Chrome-like, with annotation and offline reading (formerly iChromy) - Diigo Inc.
Ipad apps Rsspeaker
Excellent for following feeds, with reading text aloud. It exists for several languages, including Spanish, with a fairly good pronunciation.
$2.99 RSSpeaker English - Altum Design Studios
Ipad apps IM + Pro
For instant messaging it is very good. You can manage Yahoo, Facebook, Google Talk, Twitter, MSN, MySpace, Skype from the same panel. Anyway, everything, even being able to have alerts for new emails.
Speech recognition costs, to dictate instead of writing $ 0.99 per month, but only recognizes English.
Ipad apps Skype or Whatsapp
The iPad version was recently released, very good, includes video for Ipad2.
Ipad apps Flipboard
The best I've seen to be aware of. In a panel you can monitor both content, via Google Readers or Facebook. The most interesting thing is that it can be seen in fast reading, complete, even going to the page without losing the button back to the board.
Ipad apps Zinio
To read subscription digital magazines. Promising because it has a great diversity of magazines using this medium.
Ipad apps Twitter
Almost everything is required to follow and be followed on Twitter.


The likes of my children


Ipad apps Mega Man II
My son loves it, vertically it has a resemblance to the manual control of Arcade machines. In horizontal the panel is lateral.
And although I resisted for a while, they ended up downloading AngryBirds
$2.99 Mega Man® II - Beeline Interactive, Inc.

Angry Birds HD - Chillingo Ltd

Ipad apps JamPad
Nice piano for the boys to practice, with the headphones on a boring trip.
Ipad apps SketchBook Pro
It's not really a kid's app, it's a great drawing tool. But it is my daughter who is delighted with that toy.
$7.99 SketchBook Pro for iPad - Autodesk Inc.

In total 43, of the 27 that he had included in the original list, only 18 of them are paid, which add up to a little more than 100 dollars. Although the discomfort of working with a keyboard that does not adapt to the fingers seems to be the most complex and it will probably end up spending me on hardware rather than software.

Over time, I have found GIS Kit, in my opinion the best GIS / GPS development for iPad. I have also found Keyboard shortcuts, Capture the screen, ways to Transfer data To the PC,


… I forgot… Happy Easter!

1 comment

  • Anonymous October, 2012 at

    Very good…

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