Uruguay, through the National Directorate of Cadastre and the General Directorate of Registries, will host the "III Annual Conference of the Inter-American Cadastre and Land Registry Network" to be held in the city of Montevideo, between the 14 and the 17 of November of 2017 and that will take place in the Radisson Hotel.
The main objective of the Inter-American Cadastre and Land Registry Network, created in the 2015 year, is to promote the strengthening of Cadastre Institutions and Land Registry in Latin America and the Caribbean as one of the tools of public administration with the end of the improvement of democratic governance and economic development.
The interconnection of information between the Cadastre and the Registry gives precision and certainty to real estate in its physical and legal aspects and guarantees the right of ownership, facilitating real estate traffic, consolidating legitimate rights and preventing conflicts.
It is also an effective mechanism against inequality and provides an infrastructure of geo-referenced data on the territory for a better informed approach for the generation of public policy and for the fulfillment of the objectives of sustainable development. Cadastre provides the physical reality of a property.
The Registry allows to know the legal reality through the registration of legal acts that refer to real estate that are fully identified.
The owner of a property right, guarantees the right that transmits, and gives the possibility of entering the property to the real estate market and obtain a fair price for the transmission. The acts and contracts that are celebrated in relation to real estate are taxed, which means an income for the State, income that will later be turned over to the different economic undertakings of the country. A chain of businesses enters into operation that both at a private and state level favor the country's economy, its development and investment not only from different acts of our country but also from foreign investors.
It also allows, with the efforts of several actors, to carry out land regularization, with the aim of improving the quality of life of residents, promoting physical and social integration into the urban environment. The aim is to reduce the problem, carrying out governmental policies aimed at reducing urban poverty; promoting changes in urban regulations and new institutional mechanisms in the housing sector and thus favoring the supply of urbanizable land, with low-cost housing, interacting with the public sector with the private sector, creating neighborhoods and thus achieving social integration.
The work agenda consists of a day and a half of open conference and a day of assembly of authorities. Throughout the open conference, four thematic axes relevant to the advancement of the Cadastres and Registry will be discussed at the global level and during the assembly, efforts will be made to consolidate the RED through the definition of a plan of activities for the year 2018, as well as in the search for the joint treatment of the regional problem and the definition of a common agenda
• Conference: Relevance of Land Registry and Property Registries in the economic and social sustainable development of the countries in the current context of territorial administration.
• Assembly: Political will for the generation of a regional agenda that promotes the strengthening of Property Cadastres and Registries.
November 14
20:00 | Welcome Cocktail in lounge, Radisson Montevideo Victoria Plaza Hotel (by invitation) |
November 15 - Open Conference - Ballroom Ballroom, Radisson Montevideo Victoria Plaza Hotel.
08:30 - 09:15 PM | Registration of participants. |
09:15 | Opening Act National Directorate of Cadastre, General Directorate of Registries, OAS, National Authorities and Multilateral Organizations. |
10:00 | Keynote. |
10:45 | Break. |
11:15 | 1 session. 1 Block: The advances of the Cadastre and Registries in the era of digital government. |
12:15 | 1 session. 2 Block: The advances of the Cadastre and Registry in the era of digital government. |
13:15 | Lunch (By invitation). |
14:30 | 2 session. Block 1: The cadastral update and its incidence on registration. |
15:15 | 2 session. Block 2: The cadastral update and its incidence on registration. |
16:00 | Break. |
16:30 | 3 session: Cadastral and registry information: common platform for territorial and urban planning. |
18:00 | Close day. |
20:00 | Typical dinner (By invitation). |
November 16 - Open Conference - Ballroom Ballroom, Radisson Montevideo Victoria Plaza Hotel.
09:00 | 4 session. Block 1: Insertion to Impact of Cadastre and Registries in the Spatial Data Infrastructure. |
09:45 | 4 session. Block 2: Insertion to Impact of Cadastre and Registries in the Spatial Data Infrastructure. |
10:30 | Break |
11:00 | Extra-region experiences in the different systems of territorial administration. |
12:00 | 5 Session: Conclusions. |
12:45 | Closing by organizers. |
13:00 | Closure - Lunch (By invitation). |
16 November - Annual Network Assembly - Ballroom Ballroom, Radisson Montevideo Victoria Plaza Hotel.
14:30 | Opening Ceremony Welcome remarks and Installation of the Assembly:
• OAS (Opening remarks) • Presidency of the NETWORK • Host (Welcome) • Technical Secretariat (Installation of the Assembly) |
15:30 | Foto de Asamblea - Receso. |
16:00 | Dialogue: RED Members. |
18:00 | Closing. |
19:00 | Free dinner |
17 November - Continues Annual Network Assembly - Ballroom Ballroom, Radisson Montevideo Victoria Plaza Hotel.
08:00 | Network management:
• Technical Secretariat Report 2016-2017 |
11:00 | Break |
11:30 | Delivery of certificates to delegates. |
11:45 | Closing words
• Technical secretary |
12:00 | Closing |
12:30 | Departure to Punta del Este - Lunch and tour in tourist place. |
20:00 | Return to Hotel in Montevideo. |
Invitation to Workshop of the Spatial Data Infrastructure Program of the Presidency of the Republic (Activity for international guests) |
14 November - Executive Presidential Tower - Plaza Independencia
9: 00 to 13: 00 hs: Amphitheater - Innovative uses of geographic information - IDEUy. 14: 00 to 17: 00 hs: Multifunction Room - Geographic information for public policies - IDEUy. |
For more information, see official event site.