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GvSIG vrs. Manifold, input formats

Good day, good reading and better clarity about how GvSIG does it and of course, to be able to compare it with Manifold

Let's see how these two tools behave in the formats they read:

Project Management: The gvp format is a data handler, it does not contain information inside. Similar to ArcView apr, or like ArcMap mxd. You can "link" external data Project Management: Manifold's .map format is a kind of handler, but it can contain data inside, both vector, tabular and raster. You can also store data in external databases (such as the ArcView geodatabase) and you can "link" external data
Documents: Within the project, GvSIG handles three types of documents: Views, Tables and Maps. Similar to what it was in ArcView (Views, Tables, Layouts). Views can have several layers and can be grouped similar to ArcMap layers Components: Within a Manifold project, the components equivalent to what GvSIG handles are "Maps, Tables, and Layouts".
The handling in this environment is very different between both platforms, although possibly do the same, Manifold handles 16 types of components under this same level including forms, graphics, surfaces, profiles, folders and comments.
Vector files: GvSIG can read kml / kmz, dxf, dwg 2000, dgn v7.
You can edit shp and dxf
Vector files: Manifold requires importing vector files (it cannot link them), and it recognizes kml / kmz, dwg R13, R14 and R15 (2000), also dxf2000 and dngv7. Manifold cannot edit these formats, when importing them they become drawings within a database that can be external or contained within the .map
Other formats: GvSIG can connect to data in compatible OGC formats such as WFS, WCS and ArcIMS ... also to Web Map Context

and via JDBC from MySQL, SQL and PostGIS

Other formats: Manifold can import (in vector form) a large number of formats, including e00, csv, tab, txt, gml, html, IDRISI vct, mif, xls including Oracle, SQL and ODBC data sources

Most of them can be connected in a "linked" way

Apart from non-georeferenced formats, MrSID, ECW, ENVI and GeoTIFF are included; You can also connect to WMS services and ArcIMS services
Apart from the non-georeferenced formats, it supports SID, ENVI, SPOT, ECWP and many other data sources either imported or "linked".
Requires a Plugin for MrSID but works slow.

It also connects to OGC services

Additionally you can connect to Google Earth services, Virtual Earth, Yahoo Maps, Google Street

In general, GvSIG maintains its creation reason: to be compatible with OGC standards and the best-known software formats Manifold has many features in terms of recognition of various formats, and although it supports OGC standards, since version 6 they have not made any official compatibility. When people ask they come out with the same irony of their service: "OGC standards are outdated"

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