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GvSIG, which will be in the 5tas. journeys
- November, 2009
- Posted by: Golgi Alvarez
- Category: Geospatial - GIS GvSIG

It has already been announced preview version of what could be in the fifth days gvSIG to be developed in the events center of Valencia, from the 2 to the 4 of December of 2009.
Much of the work to be presented is from Spain, although there are some experiences from Germany, Italy and there. Some projects from the American environment that are also attracting attention, such as the Venezuelan geoportal, begin to show something of the project of Engineers and Geographers without Borders, who for some time have been working in Honduras in support of forest management.
It is difficult to locate the contents by thematic axis, as some are transversal. But trying to guide them in the approach that have been announced, here are the experiences, presentations and workshops:
Archeology | Development in gvSIG of a system for the management of archaeological heritage in a local administration: The case of Paterna (Valencia)
Archeology i gvSIG: Poblament i paisatge andalusins to the Serra Calderona (València) |
Municipalities and public administration | gvSIG in the EIEL of the Diputación de Pontevedra
gvSIG in the Local Administration Municipal registration of urbanism The use of gvSIG and the development of extensions for gvSIG as a standard client for an infrastructure based on Web services GIS (SIG) for the "autonomous province of Bolzano" Developments on gvSIG for the Plan of Sanitation of Galicia |
IDEs | Venezuelan pilot geoportal (GEOVEN)
Offline dissemination of the spatial data of the Junta de Andalucía through gvSIG Manager of spatial resource collections for gvSIG GvSIG and OSGeo in the Google Summer of Code |
Environment | Application of gvSIG software in a study related to fire monitoring.
Design and development of a kit based on gvSIG for the calculation of environmental indicators in the framework of the European initiative CAT -Med: Changing the Mediterranean metropolises in time First steps of gvSIG in the Ministry of Environment of the Junta de Andalucía MEIGAS. A free environment for forest management and inventory on gvSIG Developments in gvSIG for the improvement of information management for ISF in Honduras Implementing gvSIG as an alternative for proprietary Desktop GIS software in the Department of Health and Environment, City of Munich |
Cadastre and roads | Project CAMPUS - Land Sign Maintainence Tool
Application to improve the knowledge of the commercial sector, Valencian and enable its analysis from the territorial point of view GvSIGCarreteras: application for the treatment of data associated with roads Practical intersections of criminal geography: its application to citizen security |
OSGeo |
OpenStreetMap UK GvSIG and OSGeo in the Google Summer of Code OSGeo and the Spanish-speaking Chapter The Tellus project. Integration of gvSIG Mobile and Open mobile IS for editing and sharing remote GIS data |
Agricultural production | Geographic Information System for the improvement of the Management and Quality of Olive Oil
Wine quality and variability maps |
Geophysical Workshops | Development in gvSIG 2.0
2 Workshop: gvSIG 3D and animations Development in gvSIG Mobile Extending SEXTANTE through remote process WPS services and GRASS algorithms |
Construction of data | NavTable, browsing data in gvSIG
Project CarThema5 - Tcharting tool DielmoOpenLiDAR for quality control of the LiDAR data acquired in the PNOA project. JPostGIS and gvSIG connector Implementation of a cartographic symbol service prototype New localization features for gvSIG Mobile 1.0 based on LibLocation. LiDAR data server and client in gvSIG |
We will be awaiting the development of this conference, which is already the fifth at the international level; event that among other things has earned him a dissemination of deserved respect. In the end, open source initiatives must promote systematized experiences to gain sustainability and devotees who decide to make the leap from being brand specialists to being technology specialists.
Author:Golgi Alvarez
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Meanwhile, the stable version of gvSIG 2.0 is delayed ... the version for 64 bits ...