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GvSIG: 36 themes of the Sixth Conference
- November, 2010
- Posted by: Golgi Alvarez
- Category: Teaching CAD / GIS GvSIG

From December 1 to 3, the sixth edition of the gvSIG Conference will be held in Valencia. This event is one of the best continuous strategies that the organization has promoted for the sustainability of a software that never ceases to surprise due to its potential in penetrating the global market.
Little by little, free software has been taking valuable spaces in a niche where proprietary software has a lot to offer. In the case of gvSIG, it is distinguished by being a Hispanic initiative, with an interesting comprehensive vision and a hard effort to systematize both the processes and experiences of its application.
The jungle of free geospatial initiatives is broad, you just have to see the summary of presentations that I showed of what was the FOSS4G 2010. We are aware that many of these initiatives will not have a sustainable eco unless they unify efforts for self-sustaining community-based continuity. In this regard, we all hope that in a few years the gvSIG initiative will be recognized as one of the models born of satisfaction in use, rather than altruism for free fashion; as what says Álvaro Angiux:
The Community found in gvSIG a project where collaboration and shared knowledge were part of its genetic code, found a project where the technical aspects were important; It could not be otherwise, but they were not the only ones.
The thematic areas that will be covered in these Conference will be, among others:
- Geodesy
- Navigation
- Photogrammetry
- Mapping
- Geotelematics
- Geodesy and Navigation
- Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
- Cartography and GIS
- High resolution sensors and their applications.
All the papers have a Spanish-English translation and vice versa when the presentation is in English. A month after starting, a preliminary agenda has been published, although we must be aware of the Final program In parallel, there are SEXTANTE, NAVTABLE, IDE, GRASS, gvSIG Mini and Desarrollo gvSIG 2.0 workshops; also in days before the day will be held the EclipseDay-MoskittDay and CodeSprint.
What we will have on the day: here is a quick list of 36 topics:
- - Multimodal planner of Interurban routes Bus
- - gvSIG Fonsagua: Information system for the management of supply networks for Water and sanitation
- - Legal framework Of free software in administration
- - Opportunities that the Infrastructure Law and Geographic Information Services of Spain (LISIGE) offers gvSIG users
- - Migration for gvSIG of SIG-RB - SIG of the Ribeira de Iguape and Litoral Sul, SP - Brazil
- - gvSIG Desktop as a tool for monitoring experimental plantings in a forest Of araucarias in Brazil
- - System for the management of . forest in Cuba on gvSIG 1.9
- - Heritage Viticulture and landscape of the vineyard in geotourism implemented in gvSIG
- - New features gvSIG Mobile 1.0
- gvSIG Mobile Sensor, extension for collecting measurements and observations of sensors on field
- - gvSIG Mini, A free mobile map viewer
- - Design tool Planning Urban and territorial development of Extremadura
- - Presentation of Pedagogical approach On gvSIG-based GIS learning at the University of Rennes 2 (Brittany-France) for a master's degree in geography
- - Synergies between gvSIG and the Professional Master UNIGIS In GIS Management
- - gvSIG EIEL: an application to manage information municipal
- - Data management with gvSIG in the Local Management
- - gisEIEL 3.0: Design and construction of Extensions In gvSIG 2.0
- - geneSIG - A customized gvSIG client for the newGIS Infrastructure
- - WG-Edit: a new gvSIG extension for the Street sign management
- - Evaluation of gvSIG and Sextante Tools for Hydrological Analysis
- - Infrastructure of Spatial Data Of Fuenlabrada
- - GIS and free data in sector applications: management of emergency
- - Application on gvSIG for checking the documentation generated within the scope of the Project PNOA-POEX
- - GearScape integration in gvSIG
- - Data display module Multiparametric To gvSIG
- - Access to images raster From gvSIG using WKTRaster
- - Mining Of trajectories: Proposal of a conceptual model
- - Generating resource descriptions for gvSIG from GeoCrawler
- - Infrastructure of Data isIn 3D of Torrent Town Hall based on free software
- - OSGeo, The foundation for free geospatial software and its Spanish-speaking chapter
- - Use of gvSIG, DielmoOpenLiDAR and SEXTANTE for the production of large volumes of LiDAR data
- - Evaluation of the buildings in the area of Controlled architecture Of the UNESCO polygon. Santa Ana de Coro
- - OCEANTIC. Software for the transfer, visualization and management of digital information in high seas
- - Geographical techniques applied to the study of archaeological sites In the northwest of the province of Buenos Aires
- - Developments in gvSIG for the management and exploitation of data from archeological sites
- - Mobile GeoWeb - Application for mobile devices to make approximate budgets for Geotechnical studies.
- - How to do an Geoportal From gvSIG in 15 minutes
Here you can see more of the day, and review of former.
Author:Golgi Alvarez
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“…after we sure, the Mayas were wrong”
Item 37 is missing. GvSIG 2.0, the least expected day ...