Blog mode
My life has been a collection of small moments that like scripts in the end end up executing any sequence that exceeds 35 according to the simple count of the shell in use. In this time, like any human I have had passions for some facets of life, Geofumadas is precisely one of those, although if I remember, it has not been the only one and like all of them it runs the risk of losing priority one day or mutating to a new one. way to wear gray with style.
Now that I am a month of adjusting the two years of Geofumadas, I realize that it has been an extended passion, which for now I enjoy, perhaps because unlike others, it promotes interaction with different readers, the theme includes innovation, environment is free and therefore, I think it also influences that it is a good company in my current routine of traveling five out of four weeks.
But before Geofumadas I had other passions:
One day I painted oil
There was a time when I took painting class in college, I was passionate enough to dedicate myself to it for a long time. I didn't like acrylic much, more because of the high price of materials than because of the practicality of quick drying (which is more like my temporary passions); So I painted in oil for a long time, it was diminished by my travels, my daughter's allergy (not temporary passion) to cheap turpentine and my wife's discomfort due to stains on her clothes.
But I liked it, one of these days I will do it again, changing the manners for the surrealism that suited me better, not for commercial purposes. Also maybe I take it because my son (non-temporary passion) does have that talent and taste, I liked that part of my life, if Ebay had existed, I would have liked it more.
I took piano lessons
Hehe, that was back in my school and college years, an American woman led me through the three levels of John Thompson while I missed the soccer game with friends. Of that, only the stories that from that experience I wrote ... I had the eternal advice of the old lady who also shared some cookies that only buy in her small town back in Oregon.
I gave CAD exorcism classes
Hehe, I remember teaching AutoCAD for cartoonists, and I call it exorcism because most of them did not want to change their drawing table, leroy, canecho, skull and more for a mouse with just two buttons; I usually had to make an association of each command with a conventional technical drawing tool and compare advantages.
Part of that stage of my life came to the blog, but now not methodologically, more at the level of loose tips and what I advanced the manual ended up on the videos CD to learn AutoCAD; I also taught other trainings with other tools of the competition but my passion in this was AutoCAD, it occupies much less sessions of psychiatrist in the Hispanic environment.
I wrote stories
That stage was short, maybe a year to fulfill the dream of childhood friends and release those bitches that were in my old notebook multifinal. 25 stories satisfied me, I published a printed book and the rest were went to Lulu that from time to time he sends me a little message. Sometimes I get nostalgic to write another one but I don't want to do them loosely, if I do it will be to get another 25 at a stroke and for this I take a trip of at least three weeks where there is no wireless, a new notebook and suffering to see my mail again with 2,500 unread messages or 300 comments to moderate.
Of the stories only One blog made only for readers in that context, because it is full of words incompatible with the SAR, and the way it ended (temporarily) should be called "the old and definitely abandoned blog of the author of Geofumadas”. That part of my life comes from time to time and some post they leave of the geospatial and make me lose smoked fans ... also the girl of the Chocolate Dance seems to enjoy them.
Apart from that, there are passions that do not go out of context, take pictures, make cartoons, make puzzles with my daughter, play warrock with my son, Chess with my brother and walk out with the girl that lights my eyes ... are of topological attributes with heaven accurate.
This is life gentlemen, a series of small routines that only Pyton knows where they fit, most of them enter at a necessary time and stop being used to the rhythm of relevance ... and passion. The best thing is to have enjoyed them to the fullest at the time, in my case, playing the piano, writing stories, taking photographs, painting in oils or teaching were necessary passions for this routine to make sense. Enjoying them to the fullest was the best while they lasted.
I now have a blog
Author:Golgi Alvarez
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Thanks friend, it's good to read it in your tone.
The ArcGIS thing ... I'm sure I'll find a way.
Estim@do I don't think that your phrase "That part of my life, comes from time to time and some posts go beyond the geospatial theme and make me lose stoned fans..." is so true... the truth is that you have a lot of followers, because Whether we like it or not, all of us who relate to a drawing table or not, whether out of necessity or passion, have been through many adventures and misadventures. Therefore, having passions that are not geofumed makes you more empathetic with a medium as impersonal as a Blog. The truth is, I don't even know your name, but I'm glad that the person who manages this blog lives his life so fully and has the opportunity to share the best of himself... that's almost having heaven on earth.
My mother is a retired draftsman, friend of rulers, normographs, ink pencils, ladders and how much there is ... she has a son (me) cartographer, who is not far from what she did, we both like to write, draw and reflect (fix the world passively), so if that's being smoked… I come from a smoked family.
A hug in this 2010, for you and family.
I hope that the EXCEL-ARCGIS relationship is as transparent as it is in Mainfold !!! hehehe
hehe, I know you like this side ... but I didn't expect such a quick response.
Well yes ... I like your stories, and now that I discovered that other blog I will go to read more things, won't you dare to write more?
I see that you have had several passions and I don't know how you play the piano but at least I like your stories and paintings ... that artistic vein has to be exploited more, right? hehehehe
I will continue here, The Dancing Chocolate Girl, reading you and commenting on those stories that sometimes slip away from the geospatial theme and that I like so much ...