Geofumed – GIS – CAD – BIM resources

Geofumadas, July summary

The month is over, leaving us some good flavors, although not all were.

Personal Geophysics

image My father he retired to his eternal abode, leaving me the memory of his 82 years of company and the lump in his throat.

After a long time chining this product I finally released AutoCAD course with videos ... as is, I no longer have it saved just for wanting to put a drop of blood.

Mi Trip to Bolivia it took me a good part of the month, 20 one-way and 22 coming ...



image I started to go through this powerful tool that has surprised me, although this month I also tortured myself by teaching an ArcView 3.3 course… amazing.


Bentley systems Bentley and AutoDesk Finally they were together this month

Important Events of the Month

events This month of August will be the international conference, and this month they have been so close that I summarize them here:

Also in July there were some valuable events


ESRI and Microsoft, another strange marriage this month

And other free themes of these two monsters


Google Earth




Various GIS technologies


Cadastre and Land Management

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