Today the news of the integration of efforts between i3Geo and gvSIG has arrived, an issue that seems to me an important decision of the gvSIG Foundation, although it is aware that it is hardly visible result of a whole work that takes months of planning in the internationalization strategy.
Other sites will talk about it and we will know much more through the user community; Now I want to touch on the impact of this agreement since i3Geo could be unknown to many in the Hispanic context, however it constitutes one of the tools of Latin American origin that has much to contribute to the ecosystem of applications developed on free geospatial software. Also for this part of the article is to show the scope of free tools in Brazil.
Why is i3Geo special?
From a technical point of view, i3Geo is yet another tool, which as of 2006 becomes a GPL license, with capabilities to integrate data under OGC standards, both for consultation and for editing. Extremely interesting that you can read gvSIG projects working as a desktop application to create maps that will be published on the Internet.
But the importance of i3Geo is its context. Its origin: Brazil.
Brazil represents the development node for the next few years in the Latin American context, and a strategic bridge with Portugal and Spain. Mexico, which is the other pole in Latin America, is not achieving a context of integration with Central America and the Caribbean as it should be; Therefore, the region continues to look to the south as an alternative for collaborative knowledge, as can already be seen in Panama and Costa Rica. What Guatemala has done has been interesting, although it still falls short of exercising leadership for which it has potential, all due to the great weakness of Mexico caused by the exaggerated monopoly of proprietary software (also called commercial software).
The great disadvantage of Brazil is in the language, because although it is very similar to Spanish, its interaction with other languages is more in English, which creates a barrier in its South American environment. Thus, we see i3Geo as a first door that would bring much of the potential that Brazil has developed beyond the geospatial theme; You just have to see the list of free code tools that I summarize in the article to feel that kind of desperation because in every country in America there are projects wasting silver doing things that surely already exist and free use.
- The barrier with Brazil is in the language, I insist.
That is why i3Geo is important, because it joins efforts in the southern cone to combine strategies towards more sustainable development. Totally contrary to the initiatives coming from the north where the World Bank or IDB bring modernization projects with software brands already tied up, which is not entirely bad but unsustainable in countries where paying 600,000 dollars a year for an Oracle license is an insult to the poverty and ignorance of bad practices in public administration that changes with the pace of political patronage.
We are aware that the future of free software lies in showing that it benefits people, reducing unnecessary public spending. Of course, Ecuador saying it is not the same as Brazil saying it. That is why it seems to us a small but important step that links the effort of no less than one of the 5 countries that make up the BRICS that by the way a great role is being played in sustaining the imbalances of the world economy. And that the initiative associates the Ibero-American context ... that all the better because in the European Union there is a bit more echo and empathy with free software.
What can we expect?
Well, we should expect more and better news.
gvSIG is built on Java, the same language as GeoServer. With this step, gvSIG makes a closer approach to MapServer, the other data publishing platform whose proximity has been quite close to Quantum GIS for platform reasons. Although what the Ministry of the Environment has achieved with i3Geo goes much further when it comes to publishing web data.
For our context, we can know more about what i3Geo can do, in Spanish, and within the gvSIG distribution lists.
But we also believe that this alliance could open a space for greater interaction with an arsenal of tools that the Brazilians have built, and that are free to use. To the extent that open source efforts avoid duplication, we will find greater sustainability, and I believe that in the universe represented by the 192 million inhabitants of Brazil there is great potential. Of course, Brazil has to Go out to meet And to become more visible if it is to be strengthened as the development pole it represents; Thing we believe it's happening already.
In later steps of the gvSIG Foundation, you are probably thinking of Mexico, although in my opinion you should see Guatemala because there is much to be seen there.
For a sample I leave some of the open source tools that Brazil has, including the number of users to date. Some retain their original name, others have a rough translation into Spanish and an attempt to categorize them where they fit best:
Natural Resource Management
- GGAS (517 members)
The Natural Gas Commercial Management System, aims to comprehensively address the needs inherent to the commercial area of a natural gas distribution company and allows the management of records, metering, contracts, billing, collection of Income, in addition to providing data for integration with the accounting, financial, operational and management area.
- Gsan (3287 members)
Integrated management of sanitation services. The Gsan was created to raise the level of performance and efficiency of the water supply and sewerage business, and can be adapted to small, medium and large.
- I3GEO (9747 members)
The I3GEO is an Internet-based software publishing geospatial data, especially on Mapserver. The main objective is the provision of spatial data and a set of navigation tools, the generation of analysis, the exchange and the generation of maps on demand ... by the way, the hero of this film.
Tax Control, Cadastre and Municipal Management
- Free city (7802 members)
The Free City is the only solution of municipal management that implements the main concepts related to the Multi-Purpose Technical Cadastre (CTM) and the Corporate GIS. Being a Free Software developed under a structured framework in three layers (MVC), can be adapted quickly to any new demand.
- Sago - Open unified management system (4369 members)
The SAGU is a free solution designed to help institutions sort their management. Its operation in a modular, offers the administrators a set of tools that integrates and optimizes the processes of the different sectors of the institution.
- E-note (5053 members)
The e-Note is a computerized system for the issuance of invoices for electronic services, for the modernization of the Tax Management of the ISS / ISSQN.
- E-ISS (2403 members)
E-ISS is a computerized system that aims to modernize Tax Management. The e-ISS was developed in order to assist the City's fiscal ISS as well as interact with the taxpayer and the manufacturer of ISS services.
- CMS - Brand control (1001 members)
Developed by the Municipality of Bagé, the system was created from the difficulty of storage and manipulation problems caused by physical records.
- E-City (8954 members)
The e-City is designed to computerize the management of Brazilian cities in an integrated way. This implies integration between the municipalities computerized: City Hall, Municipal Palace, local authorities, foundations and others.
- Geplanes (7460 members)
Geplanes is a strategy management software designed for public or private companies. It is used in the preparation of strategic planning and execution of actions. Making use of Geplanes can manage the measures, objectives and their consequences, indicators and anomalies. Through reports, graphs and directors of the control panel, coordinators, directors and presidents have a vision of indicators and institution.
Information Technologies in General
- Koruja (7122 members)
The project came about because of the need for public and private companies to manage, manage, control and configure audit in IT environments from a single perspective. Within this perspective arises the idea of creating a mechanism for compiling automation of the configuration of technological resources (servers, routers, switches, workstations, etc.).
- Sisau-Sac-Contra (5677 members)
Customer service software, system portals management and access control.
- EMS (7885 members)
Through EMS you can manage queues and streaming service for all types of companies or organizations that provide customer service to the people.
- Jaguar (2455 members)
Jaguar is a Java EE framework that provides a high level, reusable and extensible software architecture, based on the integration of dozens of basic structures that are applied in an OO architecture that MVC2 gives rise to a solution with a high level of abstraction, little Java code and the use of resources such as IOC, DI and AOP, in a natural and coherent way.
- CAU - Service user center (2013 members)
It was developed by Embratur to be a single point of IT management, supporting activities and the user, formalizing operational processes, giving transparency and allowing all those involved to have a correct understanding of the processes followed by the areas of work .
- OASIS (8524 members)
OASIS allows monitoring of IT actions and computer networks, databases, modernization, systems development and sites, among others.
- MDArte (2049 members)
The MDArte aims to create a new benchmark for public software, the use of modern technologies, which reduces the total cost of information technology services, and reliance on proprietary solutions.
- Touched (11.806 members)
Controller of the centralized network environment.
- Marmoset (2585 members)
Tití manages all GNU / Linux stations. With it you can run scripts (computer language script) correcting information, personalizing and collecting in a centralized way. Through the patches, you can also define the scope, total or partial of the network. Its application has increased productivity of Serpro Experience Centers (structures related to the Superintendence of Information Technology, with the technical capacity To meet the demand in the ICT and the support to the areas of infrastructure)
- PW3270 (3716 members)
Pw3270 is an 3270 terminal emulator, with advanced features and an easy-to-use interface (GTK ready), comparable to the most commonly used tools on the market.
- GNUteca (5585 members)
GNUteca is a system for the automation of all the processes of a library, regardless of the size of the collection or the number of users. The system was created according to validated criteria developed by a group of librarians and was developed based on tests of a real library.
- Brazil Provinha (1763 members)
Brazil Provinha, created in line with the objective of the Education Development Plan (EDE) of the MEC, a diagnostic evaluation applies to students enrolled in 2 year of primary school. Helps teachers and school administrators, as it acts as a diagnostic tool in the literacy level of students, allowing for correction and re-learning in reading and writing, improving the quality of literacy and Early literacy offers children.
- SAELE (1315 members)
SAELE has been developed by UFRGS, in order to offer this important service to the university community.
- Talent Bank (4675 members)
The Talent Bank was developed with the purpose of assigning the talents of the Chamber of Deputies and identifying the human potential of the institution, to facilitate the ongoing revision of the functional evolution, through the provision of the information provided by the servers Individuals.
- REDECA (1182 members)
REDECA is a software designed to help in the formation of social networks to protect children and adolescents. It is based on the dissemination and exchange of information in an information security environment, and the speed of communication between the actors in a network. Its name derives from the words of the RED and ECA (Statute of the Child and the Adolescent).
- I educate (14,336 members)
The i-Education is a school management software. It centralizes the information of a local school system, which reduces the need for the use of paper, duplication of documents, time service of citizens and rationalize the work of public officials.
- Amadeus (6071 members)
Learning Management System of Distance Education based on the concept of mixed learning
- Kite (5042 members)
The GNU Kite / Linux is an educational distribution created in 2006 especially for children, adolescents and pre-schools, kindergartens and primary schools. Its purpose is to make the computer lab an environment of safety, fun and learning, with many games and programs that exercise the mind without losing the pleasure of studying.
- Peacock (635 members)
It is a custom Debian GNU / Linux based distribution for use in telecentres in Brazil.
- e - Proinfo (7804 members)
Distance education system.
- Linux Education (5612 members)
Linux for Education is a software solution that contributes to the achievement of the purposes of ProInfo to favor the end user on the use and the accessibility of the same, as well as responsible of the laboratory in relation to the maintenance and update.
- EducatuX (4185 members)
The EducatuX is an educational method that has been designed with the purpose of promoting pedagogical integration between computers and education with free software. The objective of the project is the construction of materials for teachers and students of the primary school to help in the integration of technology in the classroom.
Management in Public Offices
- Curupira (7574 members)
It allows the management of printing processes through the rational management of high costs, print volume, supplies, permits and efficiency in use in corporate networks.
- Fila (6174 members)
Software and hardware system developed by Oktiva for the management of public services.
- Disaster Management System (14.824 members)
DGS has been developed within the philosophy of free software to meet IT needs, transforming the demands of internal projects that are controlled by the project office, thus improving the quality of public service. However, due to its flexibility, the tool can be used for any area, public agency or company that wishes to effectively control its demands.
- IP PBX SNEP (3215 members)
Configuration software for the IP PBX service.
- Supports (3221 members)
Apoena is free software that emerged from the need to facilitate the democratization of information telecentres in the Bank of Brazil. The tool produces press clippings. It functions as a news gathering and information processing agency for more than 300 information sources.
- FPS (5265 members)
Optimization of the control of the municipal vehicle fleet in all governing bodies, in a unique environment.
- ERP5 BR (8733 members)
ERP5 is a BR solution for Integrated Management Systems (ERP) that provides the transparency, flexibility and evolution of its users. With the use of business models (templates) currently exist, ERP5 covers the areas of accounting, customer relations, trade, warehouse management, transportation, billing, human resource management, product design, production, management Of projects, among many others.
- Ombudsman System (986 members)
This system, developed the web platform, ensures adaptability and economic and technical viability to the Ombudsman, which allows the issuance of management reports, providing statistics on consolidated data and allow their use by ombudsmen With different structures. Through the Ombudsman System, the institution can make a diagnosis and analysis of the events received and provide information to citizens throughout this process.
- InVesalius (5905 members)
InVesalius is a public health software that aims to aid diagnosis and surgical planning. From two-dimensional images (2D) obtained by computed tomography or an MRI, the program allows to create virtual models in three-dimensional (3D) anatomical structures that correspond to patients under care.
- GP-Web (6980 members)
Project management and management practices
- Cacic (34.798 members)
First Federal Public Government Software as a result of the Cooperation Consortium between SLTI - Department of Logistics Information Technology of the Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management - MOP and DATAPREV - Information Technology and Social Security Companies, developed by the DATAPREV Regional Office of the Holy Spirit.
- Individualized drug dispensing - DIM (769 members)
The DIM software was born of the need for a tool to manage the distribution of medicines for municipalities with more than one million inhabitants and an average of more than 20.000 per day dispensations. The control of the operation in each lot and the validity of the medicines available to patients and the unique identification of each patient, thus guaranteeing their traceability.
- SPED - Electronic System protocol (15.049 members)
The Electronic Document Protocol (SPED) System is a WEB system that arose from the need to integrate control, in exchange for internal and external documents of the Army's military organizations. From this need the system was developed by the Army to control protocol documents.
Multimedia and Web
- Minuano (4460 members)
Minuano - Audio and Video Transmission EFFECTIVE free software totally, is a system for the capture, processing, packaging and distribution of digital signal for the intranet or on the Internet, to transmit live or download.
- LightBase - Textual or multimedia GED database solutions. (5209 members)
LightBase solution is a textual database and multimedia development environment combines a fast application server and a three-dimensional text retrieval, allowing quick access to any information from the database.
- Xemelê (5465 members)
This group seeks to share solutions to promote interactive communication and collaboration processes with the Internet platform. We are talking about tools for managing websites, blogs, chats, wikis, and also the environments for integration of email services, calendar, workflow, etc.
- OpenACS (2207 members)
Communities Open Systems Architecture (OpenACS) is a framework for developing Web applications that support virtual communities.
- ASES (2777 members)
ASES is a tool for evaluating, simulating and correcting the accessibility of pages, sites and portals, and of great value to developers and publishers.
- WebIntegrator (7680 members)
Webintegrator is a very productive environment for the development of web applications in Java, which creates ease of use and accelerates the learning of technical developers.
- EdiTom (4560 members)
To allow beginners to have a tool for creating sounds, graphically represent them, write music and sound effects, software is needed to fulfill these facilities.
- KyaPanel (2984 members)
KyaPanel is an email server management system with Postfix, LDAP and Courier.
- Ginga (12,591 members)
Ginga is the middleware layer that allows the development of interactive applications for digital television, regardless of the manufacturers of hardware of the platform of access terminals (set-top boxes).
Applications development
- Cortex (1396 members)
Cortex is a framework for developing cross-platform desktop applications in C ++.
- SIGATI (3547 members)
SIGATI is a graphical tool that consolidates into a single management interface for the distributed directory service based on OpenLDAP, allowing the management of objects, partitions, replicas, diagrams and access control lists.
- FormDin (2500 members)
FormDin is a PHP framework for developing web applications.
- Demoiselle (1229 members)
Demoiselle Framework is a Java API for JEE application development, created by the Federal Data Processing Service (Serpro) in 2008 and published as free software in April of 2009.
Follow the track to i3Geo: