Seeking, looking to do in Baltimore in view that I will attend the conference of Bentley systems, I have found an exhibition of old maps that Navteq is sponsoring and whose name is interesting: “Finding our place in the world“. This expo is taking place in Baltimore from March to June of this year and a mile from the Inner Harbor.
This is considered one of the most ambitious North American map exhibits. They ensure that visitors will be able to see some of the greatest cargo treasures face to face, and not just maps made by cartographers but empirical maps of various areas of the world. The exhibit includes bizarre maps, impressive in detail, manuscripts made by explorers, spheres, maps of various areas around the world including cuneiform tablets from Mesopotamia. So I'll win the $ 12 it costs and try to see how the mobile phone guided tour works.
Here I show you the map of the Aztec Capital, Tenochtitlán. Made by none other than Hernán Cortés in 1524 ... well, I think I'll have fun.
I also appreciate the link to The Map Room
Thanks Alberto, I'll keep that in mind.
If you are interested in railways, visit the railway museum in Baltimore which contains a wonderful "round-house" with rolling stock and locomotives from the first decades of the 40th century. And if you can get to Wash. DC, (XNUMX minutes by car and very good train service), be sure to visit the "Map Division" of the Library of Congress, where you can entertain yourself with a formidable collection of Spanish maps of South America.
Good trip!