Geofumed – GIS – CAD – BIM resources

The strategic value of territorial information

In the framework of the presentation of the Canary Islands Geological Map, the Technical Conferences The Strategic Value of Territorial Information. The fundamental axis of the same will focus on Geographic information, Which as a rational and coherent means of knowledge of the terrestrial physical environment and its evolution over time, constitutes a Strategic instrumental element For the planning and the previous study of human actions on the territory, as well as for the intervention or the transformation of the same.

Territorial order

The event will be in Tenerife - Canary Islands on July 4 and 5, 2012. It really is a striking and interesting confluence of presentations where the need, progress and challenges in inter-institutional data management on topics such as:

  • Crops
  • Environment
  • Risks
  • Production and dissemination of Geographical information
  • Registers and Cadastre
  • Urban planning
  • Infrastructure inventories
  • Census of population
  • Economic and budgetary information

Apart from the local presentations, exhibitors from Mexico, China, Italy and Cape Verde will be participating. The space that the gvSIG Foundation wins in its dissemination strategy is also significant with a presentation on the importance of taking advantage of free technologies in the management of spatial information.

In the opening ceremony, the Geological and Mining Institute of Spain (IGME) will present the Canary Islands Geological Map and attendees of the opening ceremony will be presented with a copy of this publication, later the day will include the following topics and debates:

Territorial orderGeostatistics:

  • Results of the Environmental Modules of the National Census of Municipal Governments and 2011 Delegations. 
  • UNIFIES: Integrated economic-financial information system. Territorialized indicators applied to decision-making in the economic sphere
  • Statistics, cartography and open data: adding value for the Canary Islands
  • National Geostatistical Framework, Infrastructure for Georeferencing census information, surveys and administrative records

Territorial orderPlanning and Territorial Planning

  • Territorial planning in the Canary Islands
  • Standardization and standardization applied to the writing of Plans. Transparency in the management of the territory: systems of publication and
    citizen participation
  • The validity of the planning system planning determinations and the consolidation of its database. 1995-2012, the experience of the Cabildo of Gran Canaria.
  • GABITEC European Project MAC 2007-2013. Modernization of Planning Entities
  • Geographical information and decision-making in land planning

Territorial orderProduction / dissemination of Geographic Information

  • Productions and uses of cartography of China
  • Geographical Production at INEGI
  • Inter-administrative coordination on information and geographical services at national and European level
  • Access to geographic information in Spain through Spatial Data Infrastructures. INSPIRE-LISIGE
  • 5 Prepare Land Occupation Map of China

Territorial orderRecords of property and territorial wealth

  • Program for Modernization and Linkage of Public Registries of Property and Cadastre
  • The registration qualification based on the territorial information associated with the graphic registry bases
  • National System of Land Registry of Cape Verde
  • Territorial information and legal certainty: some examples

Territorial orderEnvironment / Risk management

  • The technology in the service of environmental protection in the APMUN
  • Risk Maps: conceptualization and utility in Civil Protection
  • Map of Cultivation of the Canary Islands. Management system, applications and uses
  • Reducing the Volcanic Risk in the Canary Islands
  • Desertification in the Canary Islands. Examples of control strategies
  • Biodiversity Data Bank. Management and conservation tool

Territorial orderDissemination of Geographic Information

  • Geostatistical visualizers under the platform of Digital Map of Mexico
  • Infrastructure of Spatial Data of the Canary Islands
  • Publication, exploitation and updating of geographic information. Geographic content management for heterogeneous clients. GEOWEBENGINE (R & D & I)
  • gvSIG: free technology for geographic information management
  • Project to support the modernization of municipal technical offices: an adaptive and efficient model of inter-administrative cooperation for land management and management

We hope that the papers will be available online.


  • Richard Guzman February, 2013 at

    The growth of cities has accelerated, especially in the developing countries as part of intense urbanization and rural - urban migration processes. Concentration of population, especially by the spatial centralization of investments, has inevitable social, economic and cultural consequences; In particular the growth of crime and delinquency, much more acute problems in emerging societies.
    Having a management of territorial management helps much to the growth of cities in an orderly way.

  • Juan Antonio Bermejo Dominguez June, 2012 at

    “GRAFCAN's gag”. This public company HAS CENSORED a comment I sent them related to an article published by them….More information at

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