This stage of the project that I have been conducting is aimed at the accreditation of cadastre technicians, outsourced service providers, municipal officials, reinforcement technicians, among others. This in order to make a healthy transition process in view of the change of government that will take place after the elections this year.
The context
In other countries with greater aggressiveness, there is already legislation that supports the public career, there are rules so that a person can be hired by government entities, including local governments, and these guarantee their stability as long as they are complying with their job competencies. In these latitudes, with all the penalty that honesty allows, there is only one proposal that has been in the legislative chamber for 6 years and that will not be approved as long as it affects the insane customs of political patronage; Thus, there is no media that tells a mayor that he cannot fire more than 70% of the technical staff, to give an example; On the contrary, even though he is from the same political party, he makes a complete sweep since he has acquired commitments with those who were active in his campaign, regardless of the investment that the aid workers or the municipality made in this resource.
For this, we have chosen to use the labor competencies model, which is being widely used in various countries from academic and technical training instances. It is expected at the end of the next two months to have a standard with which the training already provided can be measured and at the same time have the existing demand for accreditation ... although basically this palliative will be partially applied because someone must continue to promote the law public career.
The Methodology
Labor Competence is the ability of an individual to concretely exercise a work activity by putting at stake their knowledge, their know-how and their personal qualities and adapt to the contingencies of a given situation.
The competition is nothing more than a RESULT, which is based on three basic aspects:
- What he knows
- What he is capable of doing
- Which is
Then the competences are separated according to their application environment from the specific ones (such as GPS handling, mapping program, real estate valuation ...) through generic ones (such as basic trigonometry, cartography, computing) and then transversal competences (planning , leadership, communication ...) to culminate in universal values (respect, equity, responsibility ...)
So the Technical Standard of Labor Competence is a set of competences that are valid for a specific group of workers and organizers, in this case, technicians who provide services linked to the cadastre for municipalities, associations and cooperation projects.
The labor competency standard is constituted by:
- Units of Competition (It is the result)
- Elements of Competence (What it is capable of doing based on the result)
- Performance Criteria
- Scope
- Evidence of Performance and Knowledge
- Scope
What is expected
As I said above, it is expected that in a moment trained human resources can be accredited, but not based on a simple exam that ensures that they know how to do it but based on a standard of systematized competence. Although the cadastre is a fairly broad topic, we will focus on working with at least some common roles in municipalities such as:
- Head of Cadastre
- Cadastre Assistant
- Rising technician
- Valuing Technician
- Digitalization Technician
1 comment
I am an expert in cadastre, where I can send my resume, for the cadastral project of the 65 municipalities.
I live in Colombia