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Traveling, preparing a video

I have been traveling for almost a week, in a complementary work to the process of systematization that consists of the filming of a video that must rescue the essence of the applied methodological process.
This filming is an interesting world, the lighting game, the recreation of past scenarios, the capture of events that are still alive, the handling of the interview, abstraction, concretion, in short ... another world. He's tiring, the schedule got so tight that he's barely able to check emails at night on shaky 15-inch monitors. To miss that my son in fifth year of school ventured to his math test without my tedious torture from the night before… moments in the car, in the train, in the bus, to get back in time to catch my flight the next morning to Charlotte… uf !
The content…
There must be different ways to approach a process like this, particularly this project that was extended to 27 municipalities, was made under the premise that implement the cadastre as an instrument of use Multipurpose in municipalities with unequal conditions, can be measured for a gradual adoption of approaches: fiscal, legal, land use and socioeconomic.
The information capture and content technique may be the same, but as long as there is no application of the information within the regulations of the context, it will only be an inventory, it is preferable to go step by step, for better appropriation and maturity. Also, non-compliance with use indicators defines a guideline for not starting a stage for which the municipality does not meet the conditions. This methodological process defines the four stages that the documentary will have:
- Recovery Stage. Determine the progress that a municipality has, provision of minimum equipment and definition of the approach. Standardization of data from previous processes, socialization of counterparts and political decisions necessary for the fiscal approach.
- Massive uprising. The technification of the urban-rural cadastral survey through local human resources, the implementation of technologies in spatial data management, the preparation of studies for the massive appraisal and, at a minimum, ensuring that the cadastre reaches utility in the fiscal approach.
- Adequacy of administrative processes. Studies of land values, permanent crops, administrative limits; to complement the fiscal focus and take first steps to legal approach. Here it also requires adaptation of internal procedures that can limit the application of policies in the management of the territory.
- Sustainability processes. Linking efforts with regional projects that have intervention in the cadastral area for the continuity of processes, systematization and creation of a regional headquarters at the community level that executes a replica of the model, whose support is in the provision of services, taking advantage of the resource formed human. At this stage, also with the territories that mature the initial approaches, promote the definition of territorial policies for the application of the land use approach and creating bases for information and processes to be inputs for local economic development (socio-economic approach).
It is a regret and a daring to cut more than 11 hours of recording to a shoot of 20 minutes; I'm glad to know that the efforts of my field technicians have been worth more than their financial compensation (which honestly has not been great) or the cruel state of humor geofumado (which has also been complicated at times).
Half a tear dares to swing when they hear natural thanks from mayors, heads of land registry, residents, and a group of boys who almost out of nowhere have become the generation to replace our gray hair. With them it has been satisfying to sit down to eat freshly webbed tortillas, with pork rinds seasoned with live filth. Although this stage of the project has more than a year left ... I know that some of you will see them in this for many years, as they have the potential to make a career in this area; the others ... I'm going to miss them.
And tomorrow… traveling again, for a change. The next post will be from the Be Inspired.
Author:Golgi Alvarez
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