Today is to relax and enjoy with friends the second day of games in CONCACAF for the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. I hardly went to see a surveying project that can keep me busy for two weekends, the afternoon dull, with signs of rain, the bars full of Coronas, Barenas, pretty girls with national shirts and giant screen televisions.
Taking a look at the tables, that's how things are in Spanish-speaking countries:
5 Group of Europe
South America
North America 1 Group
North America group 2
North America group 3
Geofumen Chapines !!!
j * is that it is necessary to change the subject to answer jejeje
: )
And Spain has 6 points and is leader of their group !!!!
: )
Go to geomatic post
then, Up Peru !!!
one of these days I come there to celebrate
: )
“Taking a look at the tables, this is how things are in Spanish-speaking countries:”
Dear Dari, this is how things WERE. As far as the South American group is concerned, PERU beat Venezuela and tied with Messi, Riquelme and Cia.'s Olympic Argentina in a vibrant match, when we had a “broken heart” for the Argentine goal. A new group of young unknown (except for Vargas and the "old" Ñol Solano) put the "claw" and courage. oh! how to suffer
And although our option is very far away after so much disaster with the "consecrated", hope is reborn... So with your permission, let me shout:
!!! UP PERU !!!!
🙂 Greetings