- How are informal settlements defined and measured (the dimensions of)?
- How are informal settlements produced?
- What are the limits of possibility (evaluation of effectiveness) of regularization programs?
- What are the changes and trends in the nature of informal settlements in Latin America?
- Why does the production of informality persist despite the enormous amount of resources invested in regularization, improvement and housing production programs?
- When and how (in what socio-political-institutional conditions) can regularization and improvement programs be formulated and implemented?
- Who should pay and how for the regularization programs?
- What impact do the regularization and improvement programs have on the prevention of new irregular settlements?
- What would be some desirable and / or indispensable ingredients of direct or indirect policies to mitigate informality?
If these are questions you are interested in finding answers or approximations of what experts in Land Use Planning and Planners think: The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy will develop the tenth edition of the
Professional Development Course on Informal Soil Markets and Regularization of Settlements in Latin America
, which will be held in Montevideo, Uruguay, from 4 to 9 in December, 2011 (Sunday to Friday), in collaboration with the Program for the Integration of Informal Settlements (PIAI), of the Ministry of Housing, Territorial Planning and the Environment of Uruguay, and the United Nations Program for Human Settlements (UN-HABITAT).
This course offers you the opportunity to examine the informality and regularization processes of land tenure from Latin American and other countries. The areas of analysis include understanding the links between formal and informal land markets, the preventive aspects of informality under the framework of housing policies and access to urban land, as well as legal and economic aspects associated with security of tenure. The course program also covers other topics such as property and housing rights; instruments of alternative policies; new institutional forms and management procedures that allow alternative ways of implementing programs and projects, including community participation; and evaluation of programs at both the project and city levels.
The course is aimed at experienced Latin American professionals involved in public agencies, NGOs, consulting firms, public officials, members of the executive, legislative and judicial branches, as well as researchers and academics involved in the analysis of soil markets and issues related to informality and informal settlements.
The deadline to apply closes the 7th October 2011.
For more information, visit the course page through the following link this link which leads to a page where the document called Call and Information, which explains the objectives and topics to be addressed, as well as the basic information regarding the terms of application and participation.
Surely for many the course will be of interest and so we take the opportunity to spread it, while we hope you do so among your colleagues and related institutions.
For inquiries and further information, please contact:
- Course contents: Claudio Acioly (Claudio.Acioly (at) unhabitat.org)
- Application Process and Tasks: Marielos Marin (marielosmarin (at) yahoo.com)
Also to be aware of similar courses promoted by the Lincoln Institute, you can follow them on Facebook and Twitter.