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GvSIG course applied to Territorial Ordering
- August, 2012
- Posted by: Golgi Alvarez
- Category: Teaching CAD / GIS GvSIG

Following the track of the processes promoted by the gvSIG Foundation, we are pleased to announce the development of a course in which it will be developed using gvSIG applied to processes of Territorial Ordering.
The course is in charge of CREDIA, an interesting initiative created within the sustainability strategy of the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor Project (PROCORREDOR). The Foundation has roles, apart from the collection and storage of information, an academic offer and specialized services in the cartographic area. Its link with Free Software seems to us the most interesting since many projects pass and after their closure comes a stagnation; When using the free software philosophy, it is possible to create user networks beyond the data, which we hope will have a positive impact on sustainable knowledge management. Part of this was exposed in the Cadastral Symposium Realized a few days ago, CREDIA insurance will be one of the most important allies in the conformation of the community of GvSIG users in Honduras.
Returning to the course, this represents an opportunity for learning using Geographical Information Systems tools applied to Territorial Planning. The basic concepts will be transmitted around the planning with territorial approach and Geographic Information Systems, knowing some cases implemented in Honduras.
The content of the course is divided into three sections:
- In the first, theoretical aspects of Territorial Planning, cartography and Geographic Information Systems will be presented. With this, it is expected to level the attendees regarding the use that cartography has in territorial planning under normative powers, and some of the methodology. In the afternoon gvSIG will be installed and the practical application to the cartographic subject will begin.
- On the second day, the gvSIG practical cases on land use planning will be worked on. The methodology is interesting because the attendees will learn to use gvSIG, without having to keep busy with the buttons but with the application of use cases.
- On the third day, it will be applied to Land Management Plans.
The dates are 5, 5 and 7 for September of 2012.
The place: Regional Center for Environmental Documentation and Interpretation (CREDIA), in La Ceiba, Honduras.
The price for students, foundations, municipalities and NGOs walks for just over 150 dollars, including the coffee break and lunches.
There is nothing more to recommend the course
More information about this and other courses:
Ernesto Espiga: /
Author:Golgi Alvarez
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