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About Microstation and Bentley Systems

2tools Tricks with Microstation
2recurdo Cells for Microstation

2norteBentley Map and Microstation Geographics
2ups Tricks and tools for cadastre and topography
2valentines Microstation manuals and training
2points Other products by Bentley Systems
2check Interaction of Microstation with Excel

2world Integration of Microstation with Google Earth
2america Interaction of Microstation with GIS
2smile Comparison with other products
2Bentley Events and Conferences
2lupa Other articles where Microstation is mentioned

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  1. Bom dia. Tenho dúvidas on custom linhas. Com quem posso clarify?

  2. ik wil een landmeetkundige bestand in Microstation importaren. Importeren gaat goed in ik zie alle gemeten punten. Is er een mogelijkheid om het gemeten puntan aan elkaar te verbinden? zodat je een soort tekening / schets krijgt?

  3. Gdzie można znaleźć poradnik lub jakiekolwiek źródło informacji o zastosowaniu CivilStorm'a w praktyce?

  4. I currently have Microstation V8i and I am trying to reactivate the product. I am told that I must connect to a network server. I tried to do this but I still got kicked off my drawings every 15 mins.

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