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- Geoinformatics, latest edition 2009
- CAD, GIS, or both?
- 118 themes from FOSS4G 2010
- The 2 Ipad, From our perspective
- The 5 states of matter
- ArcGumentos nothing spatial
- MapInfo: Yesterday, today and maybe tomorrow
- Why thank Neogeographers like Google
- 2 good Geofumadas and others on the fly
- The best of 4tas. GvSIG ...
- Geofumadas on the fly, January 2009
- ESRI and Manifold at the Skidmore College GIS Conference
- Business Intelligence, GIS for Business
- Alternatives to convert from pdf to dxf
- Most commented on Geofumadas
- Ready for the GvSIG Seminar
- Manifold GIS wins the Geospatial Leadership Award at GeoTec
- How much is the GIS worth in your company?
- Download the 1: 50,000 sheet from your country
- File Extensions
- Free Books, well ... almost
- Manifold GIS, a summary of the best
- Where to find maps of Honduras
- Favorite Google Earth topics
- Google Earth for Cadastre use?
Good afternoon. I have some deadlines to meet for the next week of delivery of a project and, suddenly ArcGis 10.4.1 does not open the Attribute Tables or Information windows of an element of a layer. I need to go in and modify tables and continually ask about layer elements ..
Arcgis program uchun hansi parametrde komputer olmalidi?
Good, I hope you can help me, I need to insert a rose of directions on a topographic (there are actually several) graduated for some planes that I want to take in which you can see the topographic map of an area and the roses of directions at the points where They locate the fire monitoring towers, and there is no way or I can find a way to do it, I would appreciate it if anyone knows how to do it or has one done tell me how.
I leave my email and they tell me, thank you very much, greetings.
I wand to learn ArcGIS.
The gabrielOrtiz site closed more than a year ago.
Hello this is a question for people in Colombia: What if I am in a place that falls within the grid of origin this (magna Colombia), but instead generated a shp origin magna Colombia Bogotá? Is it valid to do it? I also wanted to ask you if you know what happened with the gabrielortiz forum because I do not find it available on the internet anymore. shp