In this post I show how you can build a table of bearings and distances of a traverse using AutoCAD Sofdesk 8, which is now Civil 3D. I hope with this to compensate for that last group of students that I had in the course known as TopoCAD, which I could never finish because I went on a trip… that trip that never allowed me to teach in the old style again.
We will use the same polygon of the previous exercises, in a post we saw how Build the polygon From Excel, in another we saw how Create the curves of level. Now let's see how to create the bearings and distances box.
The polygon is already created, so what interests us is how to build a picture that has the seasons, distances and directions.
1. Activate COGO
For this we do "AEC / sotdesk programs" and choose "cogo"
If it is run for the first time, the program will ask to create a project. You need to have the file saved to be able to create a project.
2. Set the lettering style
To configure the labeling style, we do the following steps:
- Labels / preferences
- In the line style tab we define this configuration:
With this we are defining that the labeling style on the lines of the polygon, in this case numeral labels will be used, starting at 1. Other options are that the distance and bearing are placed on the lines, but it causes difficulty to build the table in neat way. These settings can be saved and loaded when required, in files with the extension .ltd
3. Label traverse lines
Now we need to define which are the stations of the polygon that we expect the database to recognize for the construction of the heading table. For this we do:
"Labels / label"
then we touch each element of the traverse, left clicking on the extreme close to where the line begins and then right clicking. The signal that the object has been recognized is that a text is applied on it in the form "L1", "L2" ... this text is applied at a level that Softdesk creates called labels.
4. Create the bearing table
To create the table, select "labels / draw line table". To edit the name of the table, change the space called "Line Table" by "Data Table", as well as the size of the text
To modify the column headings it is selected with a left click and then the "edit" button is applied. The following table has already been modified.
To insert the box, click on the "pick" button, and then click on the screen at the point where we want to insert the box. And voila, we already have the table of bearings and distances, which is vectorly dynamic, that is, if a line is modified, the data in the table will also be modified. If a data in the table is modified, the vector will not be modified.
In the case of Civil 3D, the process is simplified since it no longer requires to be done by means of the database, even the traverse may be open, the system warns of the closing error and if it wishes to close forcibly.
In another post we show how to do something similar With Microstation And a macro developed in Visual Basic.