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Friday's conference at the BE Conference has been good, I have met Richard Zambuni, an Englishman who is a global director of marketing in the geospatial line ... then I tell you about what Bentley thinks about Hispanic users, and where they are defining lines.
I also had a meeting with Keith Raymond, the product line manager in the geospatial area ... then I tell you, because I had time to steal some good tricks.
In the afternoon I decided to go shopping, and since tomorrow I return, here I leave some tips for Spanish speakers who travel to the United States ... very obvious, but they are very good.
1. Speak your spanglish without fear
Perhaps it is one of the main barriers for those traveling alone, since arriving at the airport, checking in at the hotel, taking a bus, renting a car, mastering the tracks ...
It is not advisable to travel alone for the first time unless you want to give yourself a lot of setbacks. It is preferable to do it either with someone who has already traveled to this country, or ask enough not to go nose to nose.
You have to speak with confidence, and not be embarrassed to say "could you talk me slow, please" and if necessary "don't you speak Spanish?". The problem is that although we know English (to read and write), we are not used to speaking it in our countries, and learning to understand it in normal conversations takes time.
A good trick is to see people's mouths when they speak, it is more understandable, it is good to take advantage of every opportunity you have to practice and since this is one of them… you have to talk. To understand a conversation it is not required to translate literally what he said but to carry the idea naturally ... it sure takes time.
2 Remember that you are one of the bunch
Nobody will notice your accent, that you look like an illegal immigrant or things like that; You have to remember that in this big country, nobody realizes that you are there, or that you are a foreigner; no one here is from this country except for some skinny girls like noodle with corn-colored hair. Of course, don't do crazy things, like crossing the street without using the pedestrian traffic light or buying a pair of jeans and wearing it without removing the brand… hehehe.
So it is best to walk with the pile, do not forget that nobody knows that you are there or when you arrived and take care to keep a good record.
3 Learn the basics
Each step requires asking before, do not forget to carry your passport, your roaming activated cell phone, withdraw from ATMs to carry cash, if you go shopping, first it is better to walk because your friend Google maps can guide you to what you are looking for without traveling much, then take a bus or subway if it is distant ... eventually you will dare to rent a car.
It's like asking for a visa, if you ask those who have done it you will make fewer mistakes, there is always someone who can guide you.
Unless, that you are very daring and say, I want to go to this mall, for that it only requires that you get in a taxi ... it will take you, for $ 45 at least more tip ... ah, but back do not expect to find one in the corner, because in those areas you can only call him on the phone ... and it will cost you another $ 45, chanfle! With that you could have bought a router for your home's wireless and a laptop mouse.
... and to top it all, it seemed so expensive that you didn't buy anything ...
Author:Golgi Alvarez
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