Just as there is a comparison between computer solutions for Geographic information systems CHALK, Also in Wikipedia There is a similar table for CAD tools oriented to what we know as AEC (Architecture, Engineering and Construction)
There are university teachers, generally obsolete, who tell their students that to place Wikipedia as a bibliographic source is to lower the level of work, but it is certain that this source in a few years will end up being an unavoidable reference for collective knowledge. Great measure), because documents like this one is not in any other printed medium, much less with the constant evolution.
The comparison includes different tools, many of them well-known and with sufficient participation in the market and others that are initiatives open source or of little diffusion:
- ArchiCAD
- AutoCAD
- Bricscad (IntelliCAD)
- Caddy
- Digital Project
- Free CAD
- Form • Z
- GStariCAD
- AutoDesk Inventor
- CADKey
- Microstation
- NX
- ProEngeneer
- ProgeCAD
- Shark CAD
- Solid Edge
- SolidWorks
Not all are included, especially those of the line IntelliCAD as being BitCAD. And Comparisons include:
- The developer
- Last version
- Specialty and application 2D / 3D
- Operating systems that support it
- Type of license (free or owner)
- User Interface Languages
- Support BIM
- IFC Support
- DXF support
- Formats that matter
- Formats to which it exports
An interesting reference that will surely grow and be updated as the software evolves. There's also Another comparison From the CAM point of view
Here you can see the comparative matrix on Wikipedia. Do they identify that others are out of comparison?
Gstarcad will be a good option
You could share your comparative table or study as you determined your table is that I am deciding what software to train me and I would like to see which is the one that can potentiate me more
At the time we did the review of this Wikipedia article there was no gstarCAD there. The clarification we did at the end, because IntelliCAD is not part of the list, and gstarCAD is one of the programs of this initiative.
I see that you have not indicated the web of gstarcad in the post. It is the program that I use for my designs and you can find it in http://www.gstarcad.co