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Creating the Coordinate Grid
- February, 2008
- Posted by: Golgi Alvarez
- Category: Maps Cadastre Manifold GIS Microstation-Bentley

Before saw how a cadastral quadrant mesh is generated, now let's see how to make the coordinate grid with a CAD application ... yes, that which ArcView and Manifold make very easy. Also with AutoCAD you can To do using CivilCAD.
In this case we will see how to do it with Microstation Geographics, which many users do not know what the system does; warning, this does not normal Microstation.
1. You must have a projection system assigned.
To see how the projection is assigned or changed, you can see The previous post.
2. Defining the Quadrant
In my case I have this map, I already created the quadrant, just like analyze In the post dedicated to it.
3. The main configuration buttons
To activate the panel to configure the mesh, we select tools / coordinate system / utilities. then we activate the first icon (grid generation parameters).
Here are configured the desired characteristics, see the main buttons, these can be changed at any point in the process:
The frame. This is done with the upper icon “Neat Line” Neat line serves to frame
Ref = Lat / long. This is because in the reference coordinate system I enabled it
Ref = Master. These are the coordinates that are primary, they are also configured as we explained in that post.
Generate. This button is to generate the grid, I recommend that you use it until you have configured the characteristics.
In the section called “Components” you can activate or deactivate the labels that you want to configure or inactivate
The “Deltas” option is to define if the grid will be based on a defined distance (for example a UTM mesh Of 1000 x 1000 mts.) Or a mesh every 30 seconds.
The Increments option is used to define whether the mesh will go from multiples of the grid or from the lower left corner of the quadrant (origin)
In Appearance it is possible to define if the generated elements will go by a symbology of the level or by attributes (features) of the project of Geographics.
4. The other configurations are a practical ... not by trial and error but at ease with what is to be generated in the end. In this ArcView y manifold they beat any CAD tool, but no way is what Microstation Geographics V8 does.
Cut Line. It is used to configure the frame that cuts
Grid Frame. To configure the mesh
labels. To define the texts, if you want the coordinates at the corners (NL Corner), at the edges of the grid (Grid Line), At the crosshairs of the intersections of the grid (Tick Marck), text sizes, styles, decimals , degree format ... blah, blah, blah
Neat line. To indicate the frame that defines the mesh and that contains the zone to grid: it is advisable to choose the option 4 points because It is not an exact rectangle.
The grid. These are configured with the following templates; Grid lines to define the symbology of the grid, Cross Ticks for the intersection crosshairs, Tick Marks for the border lines.
When everything is already defined, "Generate" is applied, all the elements are vectorial and are stored in the levels (layers) configured, if they are generated again they are replaced.
Finally the map remains so, although I admit it, there are other forms of Map with a map. The outer border is not formed in this process, it can be generated as a cell or as a layout (models)
Author:Golgi Alvarez
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Hi, could you explain how it is done? I tried to upload that with appload but I do not get it, someone can explain it to me? I would appreciate it, I really need it for my work.
Thanks and regards
lisp works for autocad 2010 .... as
In AutoCAD the grid is done with a lisp routine, I use it over 10 years ago
Here it is:
(Defun strpto (aa / broad)
(Long setq (strlen aa))
(Cond ((= x minX))
(Setq l (append l (list x)))
(Setq list (cdr list))
(List (min (car l) (cadr l)) (max (car l) (cadr l)))
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; Intersection given the cordenada X
(Defun CalculaY (abcx)
(If (= 0.0 b); there is no intersection
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(Defun IntersecY (/ l list)
(Setq l ()
List (list (CalculateY a1 b1 c1 startX) (CalculateY a2 b2 c2 startX)
(CalculateY a3 b3 c3 startX) (CalculateY a4 b4 c4 startX)
(While (/ = nil list)
(Setq and (list))
(If (and (/ = y nil) (= y minY))
(Setq l (append l (list y)))
(Setq list (cdr list))
(List (min (car l) (cadr l)) (max (car l) (cadr l)))
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; Main program
(Defun c: cuadri (/ p1 p2 p3 p4 paux incx incy lhn maldato base
Alpha startX startY minX minY maxX maxY)
(setvar “CMRIGHT” 0)
(command “LAYER” “M” “grid” “C” “8” “””))
(setq p1 (getpoint “\nEnter a region vertex “)
p2 (getpoint p1 “\nEnter the other vertex “)
(command “LINE” p1 p2 “”)
(if (> (cadr p1) (cadr p2)); always p1 down
(Setq paux p1 p1 p2 p2 paux)
(setq p3 (getpoint p1 “\nEnter point for Region Width “)
L (distance p1 p3); Calculating points p3 and p4, parallel
Alpha (angle p1 p2); To p1 and p2 at a distance l
Alpha (+ (/ pi 2) alpha)
(if (> (car p3) (car p1))
(Setq alpha (+ pi alpha))
(If (= (car p1) (car p3))
(If ((- maxY startY) (* 2 high))
(command “TEXT” (list (+ x1 dl) (+ startY dh)) high 0 coordY)
(command “TEXT” “R” (list (- x2 dl) (+ startY dh)) high 0 coordY)
(Setq startY (+ startY incy))
(While ((- startX minX) (* 2 high))
(command “TEXT” (list (- startX dh) (+ y1 dl)) high 100 coordX)
(command “TEXT” “R” (list (- startX dh) (- y2 dl)) high 100 coordX)
(Setq startX (+ startX incx))
(if (> (distance p1 p3) (distance p1 p2))
(Setq alpha angP1P3)
(Setq alpha angP1P2)
(If (or = alpha pi) (/ = alpha 0.0))
(Setq alfarad (* -1 alpha)
Alpha (* -1 (/ (* 180 alpha) pi))
P4 (list (- (* (car p4) (cos alfarad)) (* (cadr p4) (without alfarad)))
(+ (* (Car p4) (without alfarad)) (* (cadr p4) (cos alfarad)))
P1 (list (- (* (car p1) (cos alfarad)) (* (cadr p1) (without alfarad)))
(+ (* (Car p1) (without alfarad)) (* (cadr p1) (cos alfarad)))
Base (list 0.0 0.0); The origin
Hey, the grid you generate in model and then the paste in paper space ?.
I'm telling you this because I'm using the “print preparation” tool and I'd like to insert a neat-line by default in the template that it inserts, and that I only have to hit the generate button.
Problems that arise, how can I make the coordinates of "paper space" be those of the model?
Thank you
Jejejej thanks anyway
Hehe I got into trouble.
Because I assume that Microstation Geographics is an equivalent of AutoCAD Map I suppose you can.
I'm going to download the trial version and tell them if you can or not.
The truth is that I have also been intrigued, this same thing can be done with the Map?
Autocad Civil 3D 2008 includes Autocad Map, could you explain how it is done?
With AutoCAD Civil 3D no, because this is why the program manages the projection system. But yes with AutoCAD Map 3D you can do something similar.
It can be done with Civil 3D of AutoCAD 2009, I suppose because it even allows to connect to Google Earth, so it is supposed to support projections.
Is there a similar possibility in civil autocad?