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Managing changes made to a map
- February, 2008
- Posted by: Golgi Alvarez
- Category: Cadastre Microstation-Bentley

There are several reasons why you may need to have control of map changes or vector files.
1. To know the processes that a map has gone through after a survey, this is called cadastral maintenance.
2. To know the changes that different users have made to a file, in case it has been used by several users.
3. To delete a change that was made by mistake after closing the program.
Whether it is required, the truth is that it is very necessary. Let's see how to do it with Microstation.
1. Activating the history command
This functionality is called “Historical file” and it is enabled in “Tools / Design history”. To enter a text command in Microstation, the command panel is enabled with “utilities / keyin” and in this case “history show” is typed, then enter.
This is the main tools panel of the archive, the first icon is to save changes, the next one to restore previous changes, the third one to view changes and the last one is to start the archive for the first time. Changes from any session can be restored, regardless of the order, beware, the changes are not saved at will, but when a user activates the "comit" button, also if a user takes a map that another user has not saved the changes on The system warns you that a user has not made a “comit”.
2. Starting the archive
To start the historical file, the last button is activated.
3. Viewing changes.
Now we can see the historical file on the right, in green the added vectors, in red the deleted ones and in blue those that were only modified. The selected changes are displayed in their respective colors, the buttons also allow you to choose if you only want to see certain types of changes, such as deleted ones for example.
In my case I have used it in some projects to control cadastral maintenance. Many cadastre processes, after public exhibitions, officially declare the map and it is at this time that the historical archive is activated, in that way you can see what a property was like, how it was segregated or modified and above all you can have control of the changes because the system automatically adds the user to maintenance, the date and the description of the change can be written, such as the maintenance transaction or important details.
In this example, the initial property was 363, so it appears in red because it was deleted, then in blue the numbers that you acquired appear and in green you see the line where the property was divided. What is in gray has not received any changes. The blue numbers should be blue, but they were probably moved from where they were originally created.
4. How to delete the archive file
Well, that cannot and does not make much logical sense because the archive, because it has its history, is not being larger. But if you want to delete the historical file, how you can do is open a new map, call the one with the historical reference and make a copy / paste of our file either through fence / copy or through copy / point of origin / destination point at the same point.
Author:Golgi Alvarez
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