This kind of thing we have seen with other programs like Manifold GIS y Microstation, let's see how to create a layout or output map with Geomap.
To create a layout, Geomap needs a map with which to link the elements to represent. Once we have the map, the "Add Layout" button is activated on the toolbar.
2 templates are available with which to begin designing the map presentation.
Template 1. Map with legend
Template 2. Map without a legend
When you select the desired template, a new tab named "Layout" is created next to the map, and the buttons on the toolbar that allow you to configure and customize the map display are activated.
The Layout tab has a series of buttons and tools to position and edit the different elements that can be part of the presentation. The layout page represents the paper on which the map is created.
The tools that Geomap makes available are shown in the following bar:
It is recommended to begin the process of creating a map composition by defining the page and its size; let's remember that in digital mapping, the scale is in the paper size that we are going to print because everything is worked in scale 1: 1. The tools in the following image allow us to set the size and orientation of the page where the composition is to be printed.
- In the composition that offers the selected template (Map with legend), different elements are already inserted: map window, legend, scale bar, ... In addition to those mentioned, you can insert other elements such as: title, logo, contour lines , etc.
- The Map Window Properties dialog box displays a list of all maps contained in the project.
When you select a map, a connection is established between the map document and the "Map Window" object defined in the map composition.
The properties of the "Map window" object can be accessed by double-clicking with the pointer on it.
- The "Position on map" drop-down menu is responsible for the dynamic link between the associated map and its representation in the map window.
- If you select the "Keep the current map position" option, any changes to the map (zooms, scrolls, scaling) will affect the map view.
The map legend properties dialog box represents the table of contents of the associated map. Only layers visible in the map's table of contents appear in the legend.
- The properties of the "Map Legend" object can be accessed by double clicking with the pointer on it.
- Breaking down the legend into separate objects can be interesting when you want to individually customize each element that composes it.
- The scale bar provides a reference to distances on the map. When you create the scale bar object, it is linked to the selected map.
After creating a map composition, you can save it to use it in creating future maps, you can preview it to see if it fits the way you want it, also send it to a printer or plotter to create a printed copy of the map or save it as a file for later printing.
When previewing the composition of the map, it is as in the following image: