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Change background color: AutoCAD or Microstation
- January, 2010
- Posted by: Golgi Alvarez
- Category: AutoCAD-AutoDesk Microstation-Bentley

Generally we use the background color white or black, changing it is a frequent activity for visualization reasons. In this example we will see how it is done with AutoCAD and Microstation.
With AutoCAD before 2008
It's made on Tools> Options, if you are with Civil 3D or an application that does not show the menu above, you can type the command manually Options, then enter.
In the Display The change is made on the button Colors. There you can choose the color of the model, Layout, selection, etc.
Very useful the previous visualizer that you have, that you need Microstation and the other color options.
With AutoCAD after 2009
[Sociallocker] With the Ribbon AutoCAD 2009 and 2010, see that there are facilities to find the commands. Only the word Options is written, and it tells us which menu it is in, the rest is the same.
With Microstation
In case of Microstation, it is done with:
- Workspace> Preferences
- There we chose from the left panel the option View Options
- If not selected Black Background -> White, We will have a black background, which is the default. Otherwise it will be white.
- You can also choose not to be white, indicating in the lower pate indicated in the arrow, both for the color of working model and Layout (Sheet model).
These characteristics are generally applied to the workspace, but in the View properties you can choose if we want the default (black) to be kept or the defined color to be applied. The latter applies to the work file, if you want to generalize, you have to do it in the seed file (Seed file).
To do this, click on the corner of the View, And is chosen View Attributes, Then select background.
This example is made with Microstation V8i, who have versions before XM will only see the selection boxes (checklist)
[/ Sociallocker]Author:Golgi Alvarez
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Thanks very explicitly
Thank you very much for the very good and simple help
You had a good time and thank you very much for the help
Thank you, thank you very much
I used it there
Take care, God bless you
Many thanks this was what I needed, change the background from black to blue that is better for the view