It does not seem that this is the same creature that a few years ago surprised me with his genius Methane gas stove.
Time passes faster than it seems. At least it shows in the gray hair and the evolution of his questions:
Instead of ordering a new mobile game, he asked me for a Sony Vegas license. I liked that he has no taste for hacking.
Wanting to make his own Dron, I found it more than interesting.
Convincing the teacher was the first challenge, when she said that some students dreamed of projects that not only seemed very expensive, but could also be fanciful. My son believes that it was not bad intention, but a slight ignorance. Especially when he explained that the materials he would buy with his earnings from the YouTube channel, via PayPal.
So conquering the project involved explaining in edible words what PayPal, AdSense, Crowfunding, and other words were not in your dictionary.
1. The materials for the drone.
This today is not difficult. They are only bought online, they are sent to a post office box in Miami and in less than two weeks they are at the door of the house.
Four motors, four ellipses, four frames, one motherboard, one Lipo battery, 4 propeller drivers and 4 cables to connect the radio to the card.
2. The assembly.
The day was more than educational, because it was necessary to learn to use screwdrivers, to tip them in a speaker, to learn how to cut cables, to use soldering iron and to test its heat with the salivated finger.
In passing it was necessary to go giving them classes of corporal expression and how to defend a subject so complicated in practical terms.
Getting the first nail burn was also included.
3. Electronics
The most difficult thing was to ensure that they did not touch the plate and damage it with pure static. Programming the remote was relatively easy but setting up the propellers did take time… night came.
4. Occupational hazards.
Noon arrived and we realized that we needed some connectors, electrical tape and something to fix the screws against vibration. First trip to the hardware store and buy something for lunch, because there is nothing in the kitchen on Mother's Day.
Damn JR male to male cables weren't on the bill of materials. It took juggling to get them. The programming card also came from outside the United States, so another via DHL had to be requested, one day the other will come from China.
When not everything worked, you had to bite your nails searching the Internet. Either way.
And in the face of despair, ask someone on Skype, a shame that the resolution of the webcam is so bad ...
In his goals, an architect and two systems engineers.
We upload some photos to Facebook, and they already have an offer to shoot some aerial shots.
Although they still have to defend the project in the classroom, get them to at least raise 50 centimeters and convince the teacher that the physical laws applied are as valuable as demonstrated stubbornness, so that you select them to have a stand at the Fair.
I also have to convince him to edit the video of the process we recorded, put a touch of Guns n 'Roses in the background and enjoy uploading it free to Geofumadas Youtube Channel.
Not bad for being your first drone. There I tell them
1 comment
Congratulations! All a pride for the papoose.
Lima Peru