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This spring we will be seeing the new version of AutoCAD 2012, some news makes us seem that it is already very close. We have not known much of what to expect, other than what the Anglo-Saxon communities comment, and my Slight predictions, My expectation is for now focused on what we could see as novel in AutoCAD WS Which has me somewhat impressed and occupied.
For now I leave 4 links to be aware of the arrival of AutoCAD 2012
1 Buy AutoCAD 2011 and get AutoCAD 2012 for free
This is an AutoDesk promotion that has been launched on Amazon, it applies to purchases made on the online platform and at a price very close to US $ 1,000. It works under the subscription mode and it is LT versions.
Not bad for those who are waiting for the 2012 version to come and can not wait any longer.
2. AUGIMEXCCA Close for a while
This large community that brings together the contributions of Hispanic users from Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, Spoken before Has paused, but not the International version. We know that his partial retirement is for the better, although it has left us a great void if we consider the amount of resources that were there. We hope that your return will facilitate the viewing of the videos and the usability in browsing content; We are sure of something, his return will be before AutoCAD 2012 arrives.
3 Hispanic community of AutoDesk users
This has recently been launched, with good resources, links and news. For now, the content of Hispanic blogs is few, but as the forum spreads and warms up, we will have more. An interesting site To follow the track with the arrival of AutoCAD 2012, although I get the impression that AUGI could be migrated here just like Bentley did with its dispersed networks (including Askinga).
4. Download AutoCAD 2012 for free
This works with the AutoDesk beta community (formerly Myfeedback), which allows you to download non-final versions to test before the release version arrives. For this you have to register, include the type of AutoDesk programs that you want to test, register the type of machine that we have for testing and in a couple of days we will receive a link of associated projects so that we can download the full version for purposes of testing.
5. Let's talk about AutoCAD
Finally, I cannot fail to mention a site that left us quite satisfied in the way it presented the new features of AutoCAD 2011. I mean the Blog of Fernando MontañoLet's talk about AutoCAD, where we sure can have more news of the arrival of the 2012 version and all that implies.
In this link I present the first What's New in AutoCAD 2012.
Author:Golgi Alvarez
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