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An easy way to teach (and learn) AutoCAD

Previously I was dedicated to teaching classes, including AutoCAD; over time to teach both in the academic and personal format I came to the definition of a method in which people should learn AutoCAD knowing only 25 commands, with which is done near the 90% of work in Civil Engineering.

These 25 commands, which can be placed in a single bar, and fit in a line higher than 800 × 600 resolution is a practical solution to teach and learn. The ideal is to teach them in a single job, in which they can apply each command from the creation of the first line to the final print.

The most used 25 commands in AutoCAD

The Build commands (11)


  1. Line (line)
  2. Multiline (mline)
  3. Construction line (xline)
  4. Polyline (pline)
  5. Circle
  6. Hatch
  7. Region (boundary)
  8. Make block (mblock)
  9. Insert block (Iblock)
  10. Text (dtext)
  11. Array

The Edit commands (13)


  1. Parallel (offset)
  2. Cutting
  3. Extend (xtend)
  4. To widen (lenghten)
  5. Copy
  6. Move
  7. To rotate
  8. Round (fillet)
  9. Scale
  10. Mirror
  11. Edit polyline (pedit)
  12. Explode (xplode)
  13. Erase

Reference commands (8)

These can be placed as a drop-down button at the end, and constitute the snap, and here are placed only the most needed:

  1. Endpoint
  2. Midpoint
  3. Nearest point
  4. Perpendicular (Perp)
  5. Intersection
  6. Apparent intersection (apintersection)
  7. Center of circle (centerof)
  8. Quadrant quadrant

So the complete bar is as follows:

All these commands do nothing other than what we were already doing on the drawing board, pulling lines, using the squares, the parallel, the skull and chinographs. If someone learns to use these 25 commands well, they should master AutoCAD, with practice they will learn other things but apart from knowing more what they require is to master these well.

On the fly you can learn other commands that do not require academia but practice (layers, calc, arc, point dist, area, mtext, lts, ​​mo, img / xref, lisp)

Then the second stage of my course taught the 3 most needed utilities of AutoCAD which is considered the most complex:

  1. Dimensioning
  2. Impresión
  3. 3 Dimensions

El same method can be applied to Microstation

This method can be checked in the AutoCAD Learning Course from scratch, watching these videotutorials.


  • Marius January, 2019 at

    Excelenta idee!

  • Arq. Aurelio muñoz delgado April, 2013 at

    my students are worth mothers this but I tell them that if they are interested, get into an advanced course, because I'm okay

  • Shamo June, 2010 at

    Excellent the page.
    I finished studying Civil Engineering. I focus more on Costs than on Design, but in this field I have to know everything, very well. And this page fits me like a finger.

  • g! November, 2009 at

    It was not included in this list, when the course was given.

  • ERROR November, 2009 at

    Where are you aligning !!!! ??? It's used a lot

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