A few days ago in a Cartesia forum Tomás asked about Microstation and the possibilities of connecting to map services (WMS)
In the Bentley line at least there are three applications that are in it according to the OGC page:
Bentley Geo Web Publisher
This is a client-server application for service publishing, which reads data from a Geographics project or a Bentley Map Schema and sends it as services. You can also connect to ESRI services with an application called GIS Connector and deploy layers from an MXD.
For some time it worked with a Java virtual machine, from 2004 they developed their own ActiveX application called VPR (View, Print, Redline)
According to what is published on the OGC page, Geo Web Publisher has implemented the WMS 1.1.1 standards
Bentley Map XM
This is what was called Microstation Geographics, and has implemented GML standards 2.1.2, GML 3.1.1, GMLsf 1.0.0, WFS (T) 1.0
According to one with a conversation I had with Keith Raymond, in Baltimore, Microstation does not have this type of applications (formally documented) and that they would be implemented in Microstation 8.11 known as Athens.
In effect, the WMS 1.1.1 standard appears in the OGC page.
And so ?
In a poorly documented way it can be done even though the standards have not been approved by the OGC ... curious that I have known about this in an AutoDesk forum
1. Through Raster Manager
This is in the Raster Manager, in "settings / Image Servers"
While in this panel, "add" is selected, and a service is added, providing an alias and DNS.
Then it is saved with "file / save" and in this way a configuration file with extension .cfg is stored, which is the one that brings the services.
This is an option to access image services created with Geo Web Publisher, type pss that can be vector or raster.
To load them, "file / attach" is done, then in the previous versions (V8.5) a directory with the alias appears. In XM appears above, next to favorites, this displays the available services.
2. Creating an xml file
For this you have to make a txt file, with extension .xwms and inside place the code according to the standard wms, for example from Microsoft Terraserver, this would be the code:
epsg: 26911
image / jpeg
Then to load it is only called as a raster (file / attach), choosing the file type xwms
Be careful, this works on Microstation 8.9 or higher, which implies that it does not require Bentley Map. They should give it a try, because when they zoom in it almost feels like the image is local… wow!
Keith, you lied to me.
Yes, I have been traveling to the West ... there it rains more
I have not seen the changes of your page, I will take a look when I return to an acceptable connection ... these cyber are a calamity
What waves user72, heheheh, how are you, did you come back ???? With these batons of water and you on the street, report yourself vooo, take care to see which day of these we see each other lol now I am more relieved ... as soon as I can call you right now I was crossing here jjeejej see you and have you seen the new thing ??? http://www.ecohonduras.net take care compa….
Hey how about Arost ... I'm on a trip
What are you doing ??? you have disappeared vaaaaaaaaa see you ...
It's a problem, when it was the J version they said that everything would be the V8, then the XM, then the Mozart, now that Athens ...
Total is always somewhat behind.
With the easy way AutoCAD Civil (Map) makes connections to WMS
I do not understand how Bentley has been the last to implement OGC services.
You're right, that's since 8 Version, and it's for services created through geoweb publisher (PSS) that can be of images or vector.
The fact is that in versions prior to XM, when doing “attach”, in the place where the root directories are (C: D: E:), the aliases of the image servers that are created appear.
In the XM version it appears in an icon above, next to favorites, and does the same.
In conclusion, that's for publishing services created with Geo Web Publisher ... or with Project Wise I guess
with the change to XM ... tell me that I am reluctant to go from Geographics to Bentley Map.
... until I went to BE, and when I spoke about Geographics they kept seeing me as if I had said windows 95
I found a related topic in the Bentley forum, but it does not add much and it's pretty messed up:
I have been trying it in various ways and I do not see how to do it. I think that option can work with Microstation 8.1. and I prefer this version.
Hehe, I did not know what to do either.
I'll find out and tell you
Hello G!, if the procedure “1. By means of the Raster Manager”, defining an image server alias, with what option is it loaded later?
so is
Microstation 8.9 is Microstation XM?