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Soil Values ​​Mapping Project in Latin America and the Caribbean

Values ​​of soil america latin map

Land insitute

The Lincoln Institute of Land Policies invites volunteers from all the cities of Latin America and the Caribbean to participate in the construction of a Map of Land Values ​​for the region. This activity will take place from February 8 to March 31, 2016.

Knowing the behavior of land markets is relevant for the better definition of urban policies. For this reason, the development of a georeferenced and systematized information bank of regional scope and free access will be a key tool for urban planners.

"5 data from your city!" Participation in this initiative is simple. It only requires that you provide 5 data or more current land values ​​in your city and register as a user of the SIG Web map to locate them on the map.
Participation is free and at no cost. It is aimed at professionals, academics and public officials linked to urban land policies. Volunteers will be listed as anonymous contributors both on the project website and in an eventual study report.

The present is a project designed and directed by Mario Piumetto and Diego Erba, in collaboration with the Program for Latin America and the Caribbean of the Lincoln Institute. For more information about the project and how to participate, please consult Valor Suelo América Latina.


About the project

Soil markets strongly influence the development of cities, There lies the importance of their knowledge to improve urban policies.

Soil values ​​are very variable throughout the region, as well as the functioning of these markets, however, there is no georeferenced, regional-wide and open access information bank that supports the Urban planners and comparative studies.

The project has as Central objective to build a map of reference values ​​of urban land in Latin America and the Caribbean Based on data collected by volunteers in the framework of a massive, free and open call (crowdsourcing). The registration and systematization of the data will be done on a GIS platform in the cloud.

The invitation is addressed to professionals, academics and public officials linked to soil policies, and is valid until March 31. The volunteers will appear as collaborators and referents of city both in the website and in the reports that are published, And have access to information Of soil values ​​produced.

"5 data of your city"! That is the slogan of the call. Participation is simple, it requires the input of at least 5 data (points on the map) of current soil values ​​in the surveyed city.

What type of data is expected to be collected

Data to be provided

Expected 5 city value data; If you can contribute more will be excellent and will enable better quality of information.

Looking for properties for sale, Of relatives, acquaintances, in the neighborhood, in newspapers, in websites or specialized magazines that are considered of quality; It is also possible to consult professionals who have practiced some particular appraisal.

In all cases, we must provide Urban data, Current market values y Only the soil, From lots without constructions or cases where gata discounted the value of the same.

For each data, it is expected to collect the following information

  • Location: Address or approximate location, that allows to insert it correctly in the map.
  • Current land value, per square meter and in dollars.
  • Available services. One of the following options will be chosen: 1- water and light, 2- water, light and pavement or 3- without services.
  • Batch size analyzed. One of the following options will be chosen: 1- less than 1.000 m2, 2- between 1.000 and 5.000 m2, 3- between 5.000 and 10.000 m2 or 4- greater than 10.000 m2.
  • Source of information. One of the following options will be chosen: 1- sale, 2- private appraisal / appraisal, 3- offer informed by the offeror, 4- offer published or 5- information provided by a qualified informant.


How to participate

The Window shows the progress of the Map of Values ​​in GIS Cloud


  • Sergio Sosa Quilaleo February, 2016 at

    Dear Antonio

    We appreciate your interest in the project!

    The Call is all over Latin America, so all the data of Buenos Aires that you can contribute are welcome.

    Participating is easy! You can enter the project blog:
    If you have doubts I can gladly guide you! Contact us by e-mail:


    Architect Sergio Sosa Quilaleo

  • ANTONIO February, 2016 at

    First, there are possibilities in Buenos Aires, and second is with technical support.

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